Forty-One | Unbreakable

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i can't write smut for shit. or whatever this is.

~Harry's POV

Before I knew it, the kiss got heated rather quickly. His tongue was now exploring my mouth, and again, it felt amazing.

But I wanted to make Draco feel okay. He needed to feel okay.

So I attempted to do what he did to me.

Slowly, I broke away from the kiss and began to kiss his jawline, like he did to me. It was gentle, and I could feel him smile. 

My mouth trailed down his neck and I was looking for, again, this is simply book-reading knowledge, his sweet spot. When he moaned, which can I say, was a fucking beautiful sound, I realised I'd found it. 

"I wonder who taught you how to give hickeys so perfectly." Draco laughed.

"Hm... I wonder." I replied, leaving more and more hickeys down his neck. 

A few minutes later, I looked up at my artwork. The little red marks on his pale skin stood out, and I knew he was not going to be able to hide them without magic.

"Take down your glamour, love. I want to see what I did to you."

I did as I was told and he smirked. 

"I know you're trying to make me feel good, but you should know I would never let Harry Potter top me."

I quite literally choked on air when he said that. "Draco!" 

"I believe that's my name."

Rolling my eyes, I kiss him again to shut him up. 

"As much as I love kissing you, you shouldn't be so rude and shut me up. I'm awfully hurt."

"You're so posh."

"I don't have to be." He winked.

"Shut up." I laugh. "God, you're so dirty."

"Wanna see how dirty I can be?"

"I swear down, if you don't stop flirting with me in such a sexual manner I will slit your throat."

He frowns sarcastically and before I know it, I've been pinned down and he's looking directly into my eyes.

"You sure you want to try that, love?"

My cheeks begin to heat up and I tear my eyes away from his. Blushing will be the death of me.

"That's what I thought." He whispers into my ear, sending tingles down my entire body. 

What is this boy doing to me? 

I can't let myself feel sexual, especially not for Draco. Because I know that if he wanted to, I'd let him, in fear of him leaving if I didn't.

And I can't let him change my view on sex either. It's just so hard knowing that he'll make it feel like a good thing and Vernon's gonna change my mind. It would hurt ten times worse.

"It's my turn to make you feel better, okay. Let me know if you want me to stop."


He's so understanding, and so fucking gentle. How can I not fall for him?

And so, he does the thing again. The pretty kisses and really fucking hot hickeys. His touch is ever so gentle, and careful. It's so evident it doesn't want to hurt me, but trauma makes me feel like he will.

Fuck you trauma.

the best way to overcome fear is to face it.

Is this what I'm supposed to do? To finally be unafraid, and be okay doing specific dares, to get over the terrible fear I have of something so normal.

I breathe deeply when I feel teeth tugging at a part of my skin, and stop myself from moaning, because fuck this feels good. Draco's trailed down to the collar of my shirt and he looks up at me.

Fuck fear.

"Can I?"

I let out a shaky breath and nod.

"Words, darling. I need words."

"Take off my shirt, Draco. I'm okay with this, I promise." It sounds like I'm trying to convince myself, but I am okay with this.

"I'll make an Unbreakable Vow with you, right here, right now, to prove I wouldn't make you do anything you aren't okay with."

I'm certain he wouldn't hurt me now. This is the reassurance I need.

A minute later, Blaise comes in and he's performed the bond. Draco proved he wouldn't hurt me, and he definitely meant it. 

I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, will never intentionally hurt you, Harry James Potter, in any way. I promise.

Blaise was smiling the entire time he did it. He must've had pure faith that Draco would never hurt me, because he signed him up for a death wish.

Our bond is Unbreakable, and the vow we made is too. I trust it.

I hope you know I wouldn't ever do such a thing either.

I know, Potter.

short chapter guys

attempting to write smut next chapter



i would never

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