Two | School

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~Harry's POV 

Privet Drive was cold in September. It shouldn't have been so cold but what can I say? British weather. I'm used to the cold now. After all, I do sleep in a cupboard underneath the stairs with no heating or insulation whatsoever.

Today, Vernon is letting me start school. He said that one day I'll have to make money for the family and I can't do that with my stupid brain. 

He's stopped hitting my face so that it doesn't raise any alarms to the teachers. Honestly, if they could rescue me, I'd be elated.

But then I'd probably be taken away from Dudley and Aunt Petunia. She'd probably be jailed for letting it happen actually. 

But anyways, I'm finally going to school. I am rather petite for my age and I'm having to wear Dudley's hand-me-down uniform. Aunt Petunia says I'll be tall and handsome when "puberty" hits. I don't know what that is but if it hits me it'll probably hurt. 

I'm only four foot ten and I'm sure I should be taller. Dudley is five foot four! 

Whatever. I'm starting school!

I woke up really early today to make a nice English breakfast. I don't want anything to interrupt my first day of school. Even if it's the last year of primary. 

I hum quietly as I make scrambled eggs, fried eggs, bacon sausages, beans, hashbrowns, mushrooms, tomatoes and some fresh orange juice. I pour a glass for Dudley and put the rest in the fridge. 

I make a skinny vanilla latte for Auntie and a black coffee with no milk and four sugar cubes for Vernon. I refuse to call him uncle because he doesn't treat me like a nephew.


Speak of the devil.

Everything is plated up and ready to be eaten so he has nothing to shout at me for. It's too late for me to take a small little nibble of tomatoes or mushroom. Vernon says I'm not allowed to eat anything other than fruits or vegetables when he feeds me scarcely every now and then.

He stomps downstairs angrily with a whip in his hand ready to beat me with. "YOU ARE SUCH A-" He cuts off, seeing everything presented neatly. Nothing was burnt or spilt. Everything was exactly how he wanted it not to be.

He growls and sits down. 

"PLATE MY FOOD THEN!" He screeches in my ear. 

"What would you like?" I say politely, not wanting to give him any reason at all whatsoever to hurt me for. 

After everyone was fed, Dudley and Petunia helped dress me. Dudley's hand-me-downs were way too big for me so Petunia managed to get me some brand-new, smaller clothes. They didn't dare risk Vernon finding out so we tore it up a bit and stained it with some mud and juice.

It was nice wearing new clothes, even if we'd made them look old. 

I walked outside with Dudley, a sinister smile plastered on his face. Underneath, he was smiling reassuringly, but he had to look horrible in front of his father. 

I feel bad for him, honestly. He has to do so much because of Vernon. It isn't fair on him, or Petunia. 

Vernon unlocked the car and I got ready to sit inside the trunk. "No, idiot. Sit in the backseat. Can't have people watching you get out of a trunk to go to school."

I was surprised to say the least. The car seat?! I've never sat down on one. Apparently they're really comfy. 

I smiled excitedly and sat down. It was really comfy. Dudley nodded at me quickly, as if to say he was happy for me. He quickly reapplied his evil look and sat beside me. He mocked and insulted me the entire journey to sell his hatred towards me. 

"I'm sorry." He whispered and squeezed my hand. 

"Get out mistake. Love you darling Dudley!" I could've almost laughed at how he went from angry to loving. I didn't of course. "Make sure to hurt him." Vernon quickly whispered and drove off. 

Once Dudley was definitely sure he'd gone, he gave me a breakfast bar and took me to his friends. 

They all seemed really excited to see him. Four boys ran up to him and gave them "bro-hugs". I thought it seemed aggressive- they were bumping shoulders as they moved forward! 

"Who's this tiny one?" the blonde, taller guy chuckled. 

Dudley put his arm around my shoulder. "This is my cousin, Harry. Make sure to protect him you know. Don't let anybody hurt him. If you see anything happen, protect him." He said sternly. 

I felt warmth in my heart. Every now and then, I'd be reminded that I'm ... slightly loved. That little bit of love is all I need.

The blonde nodded. "I'm Jacob, this is Caleb, my twin," he pointed over to another, slightly shorter blonde. They did look quite alike. "Barely anyone can tell us apart. Just wait." He laughed cheekily. 

Dudley rolled his eyes. "I'm Gary." a short, brunet boy smiled and stepped forward. He was indeed short, but not as short as me. His Australian accent was pretty welcoming.

"I'm," a tall, more muscular (out of the rest), auburn haired boy took Gary's place. "Jack." He put a hand on his chest and extended another sideways. "I'm 100% gay." 

I laughed for the first time in a while. My beloved cousin looked at me in utter disbelief. I barely ever laugh. Tears brimmed his eyes and he wrapped his arms around me. 

I hugged back. I knew this meant a lot to him. It's not usual to see a child your age abused by your father since childhood. He's been trying to make me laugh for... many years. 

"You good mate?" Gary asked and Dudley nodded. 

A loud, obnoxious bell shrieked and I slapped my hands onto my ears. "What the bloody hell is that?!" I screeched. 

The rest laughed. "You've never gone to school I'm guessing." Caleb asked. His voice was soothing. It was much like Jacob's, but softer. Apparently that's strange for a boy. 

But what do I know? I've been cooped up in a house for eleven years.

I chuckled nervously. "No..." 

"Alright, Hare Bear." Jack swung his arm across my shoulder similarly to what Dudley just did. "I'm- we're gonna teach you all you need to know about school. Ironic, huh?" 

I felt another warmth in my heart. Twice in the span of ten minutes? Strange.

I nodded eagerly and we walked to class whilst they all gave me tips and cheats for class, like which teachers were nice and who to avoid. 

But why did Jack make me feel so alive?

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