Forty-Nine | Wandless

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acc gonna try finishing the goddamn book fr

update, i did

~Harry's POV

Draco woke me up with a soft kiss to my forehead when he realised the distress I was in. All I felt was a cold sweat, so I walked off to his private bathroom and vomited. I made sure to magically clean it up and make sure it didn't smell like, well, vomit.

Then, because I was sticky and smelt like shit, I showered. I also felt like I needed to scrub his touch off of my skin, just like I did every single time. 

It was never enough.

Using Draco's products made me smell like him, so that was comforting at least. When I got out, dressed in his clothes, I saw him waiting for me on his bed.

He was sat upright, leaning against the headboard with one leg upright, and his arm around it, and the other leg flat. He seemed to be zoned out.

Instead of interrupting him, I simply climbed back into bed and leaned on his stomach.

"You okay?" Draco whispered.

I nodded and closed my eyes, knowing I wasn't going to fall asleep. I just didn't want to talk about it.

It's tough lying to someone I really care about.

"What was your nightmare about?" He asked.

I didn't feel like making some bullshit up, so I just ignored the question. Instead of pushing, he left it. I'm glad I have Draco.

"Hey, hey, relax. We've got OWLs tomorrow, you need some rest." 

"Mhm." I was gonna rock up to the most important exams I've had so far half-dead. Nothing new, but it's fine.

"You told me you sleep better in my arms, right?" Draco opened up his arms, and I smiled.

"Love you." I whispered, resting my head on his chest. His arm was wrapped around my neck, rubbing my shoulder.

"Love you too." 

"Harry, are you alright?" Hermione asked me whilst we were eating. 

"Mhm." I continued to mess around with my food.

She frowned and gave me a we'll talk later look.

"Relax." I sighed. "It's just OWLs are soon, you know." And there was an awful feeling in my stomach that something was about to go horribly wrong.

"Today. Have you slept?" She asked after finishing her omelette. 

"Eh." I shrugged my shoulders, so she turned to look at Draco.

The others weren't here yet, so he decided to be honest. "He had a nightmare. Pretty bad, I guess, cause he just walked away and showered. He didn't tell me what it was about. He just fell asleep in my arms after."

I looked Draco up and down and had to resist the urge to punch him. Why are they having a mother's meeting about me when I'm right here?

"What was it about?" Hermione turned to look at me.

I then looked her up and down, and walked out.

Today's started off absolutely brilliant.

"OWLs today, huh? Pretty exciting, right?" Myrtle attempted to be encouraging. 

With the most dead expression possible, I looked at her and replied. "Absolutely not. Today started off so badly, with a nightmare, and then Draco goes and snitches on me to Hermione. I felt like a child at some sort of parents' evening."

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