Ten | Detention

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~Harry's POV

I gasped mentally when I saw Malfoy in detention. What was he doing here?

"Good evening, Mr Potter." Umbitch smiled again. I hate that stupid fucking smile. Why is she always smiling.

I wanted to ask why Malfoy was here but then she would probably yell at me again. Might give me another detention knowing her. I don't know what she does in detentions, but I don't think it's going to be easy.

"Sit." She nodded her head towards a seat.

I sit down in the single seat next to Malfoy's.

He looks at me sympathetically, which I'll admit I didn't expect from him. I look down at his hand and he covers it.

I give him a confused look.

"You're going to be doing some lines for me today, Mr Potter."

I reach down to my bag to get a quill.

"No, not with your quill. You're going to be using a rather special quill of mine." She gets up and hands me a brown, feathered quill.

I turn my head slightly as Umbitch continues talking.

Seriously, why is the entire room pink. Why is she pink? Is she five? 

"I want you to write," she takes a slight pause. Snape who? "I must not tell lies."

I wasn't lying you stupid bitch.

"How many times?" I ask begrudgingly.

"Well let's see, as many times as it takes for the message to... sink in." That sounds suspicious if you ask me. What is she on about?

She smiles and turns around. I turn to face her. "You haven't given me any ink."

"Oh you won't need any ink."

What? Okay something's off about this. What the hell is this woman up to and why?

I begin writing, with my messy handwriting, I must not tell lies. It comes up on the parchment in a blood-red colour.

I gasp as the words start to scar itself onto my hands. If I didn't have a high pain tolerance, it would've hurt. 

It didn't hurt though, which made Malfoy stare at me in confusion. I wondered what he had to write. 

Umbridge walks over to me slowly and faces me, a fake expression of concern plastered on her face. "Yes?"

I stare at her silently, wondering what to say. Was this legal? Was she allowed to do this? If I questioned her, I figured she would just make me stay for longer. "Nothing."  

"That's right." She leaned closer to my face. What the fuck is she doing? "Because you know, deep down, you deserved to be punished, don't you, Mr Potter?"

I've been telling myself that for years. It's not just her punishment that I deserve, it's Vernon and Voldemort's too. When Voldemort Crucio'd me, I knew I deserved it for letting Cedric die. Vernon's punishments I knew I've deserved my entire life, because I'm a freak and a waste of space.

And her punishments? I deserve them for letting Voldemort come back to life because he took my blood. I should've done better.

Umbitch smiled sadistically. "Go on."

Malfoy looked at me concerned. His eyes left a message saying I didn't deserve this. He changed his expression back to his usual one- hate, but you could tell what his eyes said was true. 

I walked out of detention with Malfoy by my side and before we split ways he grabbed my wrist. I flinched again and prayed he didn't notice. 

He raised his eyebrows. 

"Why did you flinch Potter?" He asked, his voice laced with worry.

"Um there's literal carvings on my hand if you didn't notice." I've always been able to think of lies quickly. 

"I grabbed your wrist, not your hand."  

"Okay and?" I couldn't come up with anything for that. What's wrong with me?! 

"Potter." I didn't look at him. I refused to look at him. "Potter. POTTER!" 

I flinched again and jumped back slightly. Fuck.

"Potter what's wrong?! Why did you flinch at me grabbing your wrist and then when I shouted at you." Malfoy suddenly seemed a lot more worried for me than I thought.

"Nothing is wrong. Leave me alone." I still didn't look up. I wasn't allowed to look at Vernon when he yelled at me, or spoke to me. I wasn't worthy.

I was expecting to be hit out of pure nature but instead Malfoy took my wrist and rolled up my sleeve. 

However, to his shock, nothing was there. 

Thank the fucking gods for glamours. 

He checked my other wrist and looked confused. 

"Why did you flinch Potter?" Malfoy asked once again. He wasn't going to let this go, I could tell.

Think, Harry, think. You've kept this a secret for too long for you to let it slip. Last time you almost did you had to push away Jack. You love Malfoy. Don't let him know. You'll have to let him go too.

Even if he doesn't love you back.

"I'm sorry I'm still shaken up from watching the boy I liked die and then get hit with the Cruciatus Charm and then fight a Dark Lord." Fuck. I just told him I liked Cedric. Now he's gonna hate me even more for being gay. He'll probably tell everyone. 

The only people who know is Hermione and Ron. 

"You're gay?" Malfoy asks me, shocked yet again. 

"Go on, tell the entire school and make fun of me for it." I finally look up at him, but instead of being disgusted, Malfoy looked slightly happy.

"I'm not gonna make fun of you for that. I'm gay too. That would make me a hypocrite."

My eyes widen. Draco fucking Malfoy is gay. The boy I've loved for years is gay. What the fuck?!

"I'm surprised you didn't notice Potter." He grabs my chin gently and lifts up my face so I look directly into his eyes. "I'm not exactly secretive about it." 

"B-But you and Pansy?" I stutter, flustered. Our faces are so close and I'm definitely blushing right now.

"I pretended to date Pansy so no one would figure she was pansexual and in love with Granger." He quickly realises what he said and pins me to the wall. "You tell anyone about that and I will Crucio you until you can't move."

I've been beaten till I can't move, I highly doubt that's a threat.

"I won't. I won't. Besides, 'Mione has liked Parkinson since she bumped into her in second year."

"When did that happen?" 

"I don't know, but Mione wouldn't shut up about it." I shrug. "Shit. You can't tell her I said that." 

"I won't. Secrets safe with me." Malfoy winks. He pulls one of his arms off the wall to show me his crossed fingers. "Promise." He winks again.

I use this as an opportunity to duck and escape him. He grabs my wrists and I flinch again. 

"Seriously, Potter, why do you keep flinching?!"

Should I tell him?

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