Sixteen | Glamour

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~Harry's POV

When Draco asked who made me think all aggressively about everything, I knew he'd remember my end of the deal.

I was really hoping he wouldn't.

I didn't help his suspicion either. I simply went quiet and anxious like an idiot. I'm usually better at keeping up a façade, but right now I wasn't the best.

Draco was gonna ask no matter what. The stupid blond is too persistent to let something go. Why couldn't he be like his long-lost relative Elsa?

"So, your turn."

"To do what?" I ask, acting dumb.

It is not going fantastic.

"To keep your end of the deal. Take down your glamour."

Can't let things go but he sure can be cold. 

As I'd previously planned, I let part of my glamour go and exposed a couple bruises and, since I was feeling spicy, a little scar on my upper back. Then I took off my shirt to let Draco actually see "everything."


"You looking at my abs or-"

"No! No, just the bruises."

He was blushing and I was laughing inside knowing that if he saw my real physique he'd be vomiting. It's not very attractive to see ribs instead of a six-pack.

"Who did that to you?" Draco asked with pure concern in his voice.

Guess he's not that smart.

I could tell him a bunch of believable lies or I could tell him the truth. Or I could tell him some of the truth.

"My uncle gets violent when he's drunk."

It wasn't a lie. But whether he's blackout drunk or dead sober, he'll hit me. Anytime, anywhere, for any reason- or no reason at all.

The blond looked at me sceptically but went along with it. "Isn't it really unsafe and irresponsible for adults to get drunk around kids?"


"He had a rough childhood, passed around from one care home to another." I was lying through my teeth and Draco was falling for it all. "He'd never really had a stable place to stay and he never really got over it. Never had the right therapy and whatnot. So yeah, his underlying trauma makes him get violent when he's drunk."

He did not. Vernon Dursley had the most spoilt, easy childhood ever. I'm not one to invalidate trauma, but this man genuinely grew up so perfectly without problems that there couldn't possibly be any trauma to excuse his actions.

He's just sick and twisted and a fucking child abuser.

"Take him to therapy. I don't know what it's like for muggles but maybe it could help him."

Nothing can help him

I nod. "I'll try in the holidays. He's a good person really, he's just not healed yet."

Draco finally stops eye-fucking me as I put my shirt on over my fake abs and healed bruises and then recast my glamour.


I would feel bad for lying to him, but sometimes protecting a secret is more important.

"So how was it?" Hermione asked the moment I walk into the room.

I jump at her sudden presence and then sit down next to her. 

"I lied."

"What about?"

"I only took down a little bit of my glamour and then proceeded to tell a fake story about how my uncle gets violent when he's drunk." I look away. "And then I gave him a sob story about how my uncle has childhood trauma that makes him act that way."

"You lied and gave him an excuse."

I nod.

She shakes her head and looks at me in a not disappointed way, but a why won't you just be honest way. "Why not just tell him the truth? Don't you trust him?"

"I do." I sigh. "I really do, but its about time. I told you because I've known you for ages, and I love you, and I trust you. But with Draco, I've only known him for a short time, and even if I've loved him forever, I haven't felt secure around him forever, or trusted him forever."

"Hey, it's alright. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed it. You're free to tell whoever you want about whatever you want whenever you want." 

Smiling, I hug the frizzy-haired brunette. "You're a good friend Mione."

She smirks. "I know."

"HARRY!" Ron barges into the room and jumps onto the sofa. Mione and I quickly move out the way and the redhead flies straight into one of the books left by our favourite smart aleck. "Owww."

We laugh at his misery until Mione Accios a pack of ice for the bump that's making it's way onto Ron's forehead. 

"Harry, mate, it feels like I haven't talked to you in forever." Ron says dramatically, throwing his hands into the air and then slamming them down.


"Oh shut up with your sarcastic comments." He rolls his eyes.

Putting the back of my hand up to my forehead, I frown. "From the bottom of my heart, I am so so sorry, dearest friend. Will you forgive me?"

Ron slaps my arm as a joke, causing my stupid self to flinch but then play it off as pretending to be hurt. 

"However could you do this to me." I sigh, yet again dramatically. "Oh the pain you have brought upon me."

Hermione looked at me, raising her eyebrows as to say, you okay?? 

I simply nod and go back to my theatrics. "Oh how I feel betrayed."

"Oh how I'm about to Expelliarmus you into oblivion."

I roll my eyes. "As if you know how to do that. Remember the slug-"

"SHHHH." Ron goes red, like his hair, in embarrassment. "That was so embarrassing I hope no one ever speaks of it ever again. Plus I was trying to defend my crush."

"You're gay."

"I was closeted."

"I wasn't into you." Mione butts in. 

We all laugh and I smile, knowing moments like these aren't forever, and that I'd have to cherish them whilst I have them.

Never do I want to feel what I felt when I lost Jack again. It hurts to lose the person who you planned to make memories with. 

Very quickly, he became yet another memory.

I don't want that to happen with Ron and Hermione, and my new, extended group of friends. What I have now is good. I'd rather die than lose them.


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