Thirty-Eight | Anorexia

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rest in peace queen liz

your twenties were the most beautiful thing i ever seen


~Harry's POV

"I think I know who the other person is." I tell Myrtle after brushing my teeth.

"Really?" I nod. "And will you talk to him?"

"Maybe." I wash my hands and pat them dry on my clothes. "It depends if I feel comfortable talking to him. I didn't really plan on telling anyone, you know?"

"He didn't either. His friends found out by accident when-" She stopped herself. "It's best if he tells you."

"I think we're talking about the same person." Her words confirmed my thoughts. There's a possibility that more than two people in Hogwarts have an eating disorder of some kind, but perhaps we were the only two that sought refuge in these toilets.


I nod. 

"How did you find out?" She floats over to me.

"Draco, his friend let it slip."

She hummed. "I know him. He's been here before."

I tilt my head in curiosity. "He has?"

"A few times." I don't reply, so she continues. "He came here crying in second year. That's when I met him. I thought he was a bad person. He seemed really nice after I met him. Then, he came back a few times last year, saying something was wrong. He seemed stressed."


"Before the tournament. I think he was worried about you."

I smiled at that. And then frowned. I didn't mean to make him worry.

"I've got to go now. You know, talk to Blaise. I'll come by later, and we can catch up." 

Myrtle smiled and nodded before I left. She was a good listener, and she always had some sort of drama to tell me about. 

If you told me five years ago that my two biggest secrets would be known only by a ghost, who went from fawning over me to becoming a close friend, I'd laugh. 

"Come in."

I walked into Blaise's dorm and he seemed a bit surprised. He probably thought I'd be Ron, Draco or Pansy.

I was never close with Blaise, but we were civil. And he seemed friendly and kind enough; definitely friendship material.

It still surprised me that some Slytherins got their own dorms. Some, I guess, had people paying for them. Others had a shared dorm.


"Hi." I replied awkwardly. Harry Potter was many things, but to a lot of people's surprise, sociable was not one of them.

That's on them for only seeing me as a famous baby who killed a dark lord. But then again, they refused to believe me when I said that he's now back.

"Erm, not to be rude, but we've never really talked one-on-one, so, why are you here?" I could tell Blaise was trying to be polite, but he was awful at it.

"I know."

His face paled.

"You know what?"

After gently closing the door, since it was weird that I'd been awkwardly standing in his door way, I walk towards him. He wouldn't want the rest of the dorms finding out either.

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