Twenty-Four | Privet Drive

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im writing a texting book bc its fun

i have texting chapters already made in this book

and i said i wouldn't make a texting book 

but i changed my mind


happy pride month fags

~Harry's POV

I guess I'm going home. 

I mean I spent all my money so there went my escape plan. I would've had to go home anyway.

But he's here. If he wasn't, I could've gone to the park or the shops and spent my muggle money- anything but go home. Until it got dark, of course.

"Come, Harry." Vernon smiled at me, fake as. Hermione saw through it, but I nudged her so she wouldn't glare at him.

If he knows that she knows, I'm done.

I hug Hermione quickly. "Be safe and try to write. I love you." She whispered.

Smiling, I nod and walk away from her to him

"Hurry up boy I don't have all day." He says lowly, grabbing my collar and yanking me away without anyone seeing.

I look back to see if any of my friends are there. They've all gone already.

Two weeks in Privet Drive. Let's see how shit it's gonna be.

Once I got there, I realised that I had been worrying so much about Vernon that I forgot I'd be seeing Dudley and Aunt Petunia.

When I got to Privet Drive, Vernon locked away my "freakish" belongings in my old cupboard under the stairs and left. He made sure to give me a sharp slap on the face beforehand.

The moment he left, I ran upstairs to give Dudley and Auntie the biggest hug. I didn't even realise how much I missed them.

Aunt Petunia ran down to get me an ice pack to help with the bruise that was indefinitely forming on my cheek. Once she came back up, they began to give me life updates.

Vernon kept disappearing for the entirety of the day, past his working hours, meaning the two Dursleys got to do whatever they felt like doing.

Ordering pizza, blasting music from the tv or just talking- the two enjoyed the peace. That gave me a little bit of hope. If Vernon kept this up, I'd come back to Hogwarts less hurt than usual. 

"So, what about you. You came back glowing with gayness." Dudley nudged me. 

"That's the gayest and straightest thing you've ever said to me." I nudge him back, laughing.

Dudley and my aunt shared a look and then he propped his head on his hands and smiled. "I like guys."

My jaw dropped. "You're gay too?!" 

"I would've told you sooner but it didn't seem right over the phone. In fact, I even have a boyfriend." He told me proudly.

"No way, me too!"

"You do?!" my aunt says shocked. "Finally! He better make you happy."

I smile. "He really does. Him and my best friend were the two reasons why I wasn't so afraid to  come back."

"They know?" Dudley asks in surprise.

I nod. "I didn't tell my boyfriend, Draco, the full truth. I just said my uncle gets a bit violent when drunk and took down my glamour slightly to reveal a few old bruises."

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