Three | Closeted

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~Harry's POV

For weeks, nothing could ruin my good mood. The guys at school were absolutely amazing. I loved them all. They were kind, funny, smart and helpful sometimes. I kept getting Jacob and Caleb confused, which was hilarious to them apparently.

Vernon still abused me on the daily but that's my "thank-you" for the food. I made no mistakes and did everything he asked of me.

Aunt Petunia smiled at me more because she didn't have to witness triggers of her own past.

I was doing perfectly fine and was extremely happy for a long time until Jack brought up the fact that he had a crush. I didn't know what gay meant, so I listed a bunch of girl names trying to guess who it was.

"It's a guy in our class dumb-dumb." He laughed.

"Wait- that's what gay means?" I asked, surprised.

My entire friendship group looked at me. I quickly whispered in Dudley's ear. "Did Vernon say that guys who liked guys were disgusting and should burn in hell?!" He nodded sadly. "But does he know you have a gay friend?" He shook his head.

"You know how evil he is. You can't tell him." Dudley whispered, afraid. I nodded.

"I love Jack! I wouldn't do that." I responded.

Dudley wolf whistled. "Harry's gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!"

I laughed. "I'm not. I mean as a best friend-way."

After that day, I was more and more distracted, which meant getting told off in class for lack of focus, lower grades and messing up more. I obviously got punished more, to Vernon's enjoyment.

"Harry's gay."

"You like boys."

"So about Jack, huh?"

It kept ringing in my head. Eventually I went over to Auntie Petunia to sort things out. It was hurting her, seeing me hurt more. I had to stop getting distracted, and the only way to do that was by asking her about the source of my problems:

Am I gay?

"Auntie?" I asked softly, knocking gently on her door.

"Yes Harry?" She responded weakly.

"Can I come in?"

She whispered a weak, sure, and I came in. Her pillow was slightly damp and her eyes were red. I did this. It's my fault...

Make sure to punish myself for that later...

I mentally noted and then went back to the reason I came here. After closing the door behind me, I walked over to Aunt Petunia. She patted the spot next to her on her bed and I sat.

"I... Dudley... Um. So..." I couldn't get it out. Why, though? It's just one question.

"It's okay. Breathe, and slowly tell me at your own pace. Whenever you're ready." She smiled at me reassuringly.

Sometimes I feel that I didn't need a mum. The love that I get from my aunt is enough for me.

"So... um ... well, you know my friend Jack?" She nodded.

We kinda have a therapy thing where I rant about my life and she listens and gives advice. Sometimes she just listens to my rants.

"Well basically um... he's gay."

Auntie laughed. "Way to out him." I looked at her confused. "People usually hide in the closet when it comes to being part of the LGBTQ+ community."

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