Nineteen | Dare

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~Harry's POV

Everyone took their shot of Vodkeritaserum- Ginny's alcohol-loving idea. 

Smart, I won't lie.

"I'll go first." the excited redhead laughs. Drunk Ginny is fun to be around. And that's saying something cause my idea of drunk people growing up meant you're gonna get their empty bottle smashed over your head.

She scans the room. "Brother dearest, Vod- Vodker- the truth thing or dare?"

"I'm telling mum if you drink another sip of anything in here other than plain Veritaserum." Ron warns. 

Ginny simply rolls her eyes and laughs. "So?"


Shits about to go down. 

"I'm not gonna watch this, because it's nasty, but give Blaise a lap dance. Right here."

Blaise chuckles and Ron decides to camouflage into his hair and house colour. His sister looks away as Ron does something I never expected to see.

In fact, I think I'm scarred. 

Nah really? 

"You're a bitch." He glares at his sister. "God, started it off terribly. Luna?"

"Dare." the blonde smiled. It's impossible to see her anything but happy. 

"I dare you to go do seven minutes in heaven with my dearest sister."

"Kill yourself." Ginny glares at his brother just as he did to her.

As they wander off into a cupboard that appeared out of nowhere, courtesy of our favourite Room, we continue the game.

"Neville, truth or dare?" Mione asks, not bothering to say the magical version.

"I, er, truth?" He says, uncertain. He probably was worried he'd get attacked for going for the "easy option." Although, with our group, there's never an easy option.

"Who was your gay awakening?"

Neville Longbottom, usually a calm and collected person, flushed a deep red. "Harry." He slaps his hands over his face.

"Me?!" I screech. Who the hell would turn gay because of me?

"It was when he was shirtless in the tournament. Once you see a very attractive set of abs you can't turn back." 

My jaw drops. Mione gives me a look, knowing those abs are as fake as Vernon when social services came round to our house in the third year because I screamed too loud. 

He thanked God for magic for the first time in his life; he threatened to stab Petunia if I didn't put a glamour over our entire house and myself of course. I'm glad it didn't alert anything, but I've been subconsciously using magic forever so-

"Anyways, Draco, truth or dare?" Neville turns to the platinum blond.

"Dare." He replies, a grin painted on his face.

"I dare you to give Harry a striptease."

My face flushes as Neville's just did and I cover my eyes. "I don't want him to if he's not comfortable."

"Oh sweetheart I'm very comfortable." Draco whispers in my ear, giving me fat butterflies. "You lots look away, this is boyfriend worthy only."

I almost drop dead as he does his dare, leaving himself just in boxers. He had the most beautiful abs, defined biceps and a prominent v line. 

I was terrified to look down any further because sex had become something I was extremely afraid of and I was scared Draco would make me change my mind.

I did not want to change my mind.

I don't think I ever will.

I look away. "Alright, alright, stop flexing and get dressed."

He simply laughs at that and sits back next to me, his shirt messy and unbuttoned at the top. What a tease.

Luna and Ginny return, the latter looking extremely pleased with herself. Luna looked like a downright mess but she was smiling in a way I'd never seen her smile before.

"Hermione Granger, truth or dare."

Everyone gasps when she chooses dare. She hasn't ever done that before.

"Tell Pansy what you'd do to her if she-"

"Absolutely not. Different dare."

"Fine. Flash Pansy." Draco smirks as his best friend's jaw drops. 

Hermione grinned. "Nothing she hasn't seen before."

I snort and watch Pansy's face as Hermione turns to face her in a way where no one can see her ... things. Pansy has a smile on her face before she kisses Mione suddenly but clearly passionately.

Since Mione's like a sister to me, and I'm respectful anyway, I look away. A minute passes before I interrupt. "Stop devouring each other and continue the game."

Pansy groans and turns back to face us and Mione simply smiles in absolute joy. Those two are so cute when they don't PDA in front of us. 

"Harry, since you ruined my moment and haven't been picked on yet, Veritaserum or dare?" 

"Dare. No, truth, no dare. No, truth- no- dare." 

"Are you done?"

I laugh. "Yes, dare."

"I dare you to give head to Draco."

My jaw drops.

Absolutely not. I'm never engaging in sexual activity ever. "No. Nope. I'm not doing anything sexual."

Mione gives me a look yet again. 

"Golden boy doesn't do sexual shit? I heard you were the Gryffindor Whore and all the girls have fucked you." Theo states.

I blink furiously in complete shock. "I've done what?"

"You've really never fucked anyone?" Ron asks me. My own best friend thought I'm not a virgin.

I'll take that as a compliment. "No?!" 

"How come?" Draco asks me nosily.

Fucks sake every fucking time we play this stupid game I always get exposed somehow. The Veritaserum hasn't worn off yet for sure- it's only been a half hour or so. 

I cover my hand over my mouth to stop myself from exposing the one thing- well one of the few things- that I will never, ever tell anyone.

Not even Dudley and Petunia know what Vernon's done to me.

Rape and self-harm, and actually, my eating disorder too, are the three things I won't ever talk about. 

I give Mione a desperate look which she doesn't understand. 

"Okay, let Draco give you head." 

"What- no- what, that's still sexual!"

"Everyone's done sexual shit." Ginny slurs. She really needs to stop drinking right now.

"I don't care. I'm not."

And yet again, I'm probably leaving this room before it's over. Last time it killed the vibe, and I don't want to do that, but I've gotta put me first for once.

"Fine, do a truth." Draco suggests.

I nod reluctantly.

Dear Allah, Buddha, Jesus, God, Krishna and whatever other gods there are that I'm not aware of, please don't let this bite me in the ass again.

"Why are you against sexual activities? You afraid?" Mione asks. She's never really a cunt, but right now I want to stab her. It's probably the alcohol.

"Obviously," I imitate our dungeon bat professor, "can you not tell?"

"How come?" Luna asks sweetly. Her politeness doesn't make me want to not hit her over the head with a bat.

"Because I was raped." I blurt out.

Fuck you Veritaserum.

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