Forty-Six | Occlumens

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~Harry's POV

I panicked when Draco said that.

I knew I loved him, but I wasn't ready to say it out loud. Because when you say it out loud, it's real. And then there's a lot more to lose.

So I did the next best thing.


Draco forgot about the entire night, and I knocked him out. We returned to the dorms, and I fell back asleep in his arms. 

Before that, I redid my glamour, and I made it stronger than ever. Chosen One perks: no one can remove it but me.

When we woke up, he was smiling because of what he remembered from last night.

The do that we did.

To be honest, I forgot about it with all that was going on. But now, I'd like to forget about what happened after, and take in the fact that I'm not a virgin.

the best way to overcome fear is to face it.

And I did. I finally fucking faced it. If I went up to the little eleven year old me in the summer before Hogwarts, and told him that I had sex willingly, he'd probably laugh.

Or cry.

But it doesn't matter, because I faced my fear. It was amazing, but adrenaline was like anaesthesia for my pain, and once we were back in Draco's dorm, it kicked in.

Running after having sex isn't a good idea.

Regardless, nothing could ruin my mood. I beat Vernon, mentally, and I couldn't be happier. 

"I think we should play Veritaserum or Dare tonight. In the Room of Requirement. In honour of it being a fabulous day." I blurt out at the dinner table.

"It's Sunday night, love. Not the best time to get wasted." Draco chuckled. "Besides, don't you have an Occlumency lesson today?"

I groaned. Honestly, it completely slipped my mind, and I hadn't talked to Snape since we both discovered each other's secrets.

This lesson, I will perfect my Occlumency for Snape, so the burden he has of teaching me will be gone. We'll both be free of that.

I hope he doesn't bring up what we saw.

"Fine. We'll do it after. It's not like we haven't rocked up to lessons with a hangover before." I look at Ginny.

She feigns hurt. "How could you say such a thing Harry. Especially aimed at me. I'm a child of Merlin, I'm a Saint." She puts her hands together in a praying motion and looks at the ceiling.

"Aww, I'm married to a liar." Luna puts her arm on Ginny's shoulder. Said ginger gasps and cries dramatically.

"Shut up you two. And Harry, hurry up and finish your food. You're going to miss your lesson." Hermione scolded.

With all the secrets spilled in the past few days, and the talk about anorexia, I didn't feel like eating. So I simply pushed my untouched plate away and left.



"Clear your mind and we'll begin." 

This time, he actually gave me time to clear my mind. He gave me a full minute, whilst studying my face. It felt like he was trying to read my mind, without, you know, reading my mind.

He would do so in a moment.


Smiling, I nod. Even if it's weird, I'm glad he's being nice. The reason for him being nice isn't ideal, and if I could, I'd gladly take it back. But what's done is done.

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