Thirteen | Truth

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~Harry's POV

"I can't tell you that." I say quickly before I let anything loose.



"Please?" He pleaded. I knew he was worried but last time someone got worried, I broke both our hearts.

"I CAN'T." I yelled.

I must be really powerful if I'm going against Veritaserum. Or maybe it's gone. I hope it is.

"Fine. Do a dare instead." Draco demanded.

"Fine!" I yelled at him and he was taken aback.

"Let your glamour fall."

No. Absolutely not. Why is he doing this?

Wait, I just have to let my glamour fall for the scars from detention.

I casted the wandless spell and let my glamour fall. "Done." He looked at my hand but he knew something was wrong.

"Let your full glamour fall." Draco demanded yet again.

Why is he so fucking persistent?!

"This is my full glamour." I gritted my teeth, knowing full well it wasn't. The Veritaserum definitely wore off otherwise I wouldn't have been able to lie.

"No it isn't and we all know it." Hermione spoke up. I looked at her. "I've known you wore a glamour for ages. I'm not stupid."

"I know you aren't, Miss Brightest Witch of her Age." I retorted. I'm pissed off now. Why is everyone so fucking persistent about this. Can't they just let it go?

Pull an Elsa.

"I'm sorry for this." Draco said and I knew exactly what he was about to do.

He muttered the incantation to let a glamour fall and I quickly casted a disillusionment charm over myself. I looked down and I was me, the real me. Hollow, sickly pale and broken. Scars and bruises littered my body. You could see my ribs prominently.


"Shut the fuck up Draco." I growled, though when I said this it wasn't in my jokey manner. I was livid. No one needs to know about what happens at home.

I saw everyone looking surprised.



The room was deadly silent. You could hear a pin drop.

"I have my secrets, you have yours. All I ask if you respect my privacy."

"I'm sorry." Draco calls for me.

"Leave me alone." I walk out over to door. I silently recast my glamour and let the disillusionment charm fall. "I mean it."

I walked over to the astronomy tower and sat there with my thoughts. I love them but they don't know how to back off, or when to at least. I know they mean well but still.

Hermione slowly walked over to me. "I know, Harry."

"What?" Please tell me it's about my self-harming and not about the abuse. Please, please, please tell me it's not about the abuse.

"I know the Dursley's abuse you."


"Harry I want to know your story. I want to hear it from you." She whispered.

"How did you know?" I ask with no emotion.

"The other day, I heard you and Malfoy mention glamours. I knew there was more to it so when you were asleep I took yours down. Harry why didn't you tell me?"

"You did what?!"

"I'm sorry. I was worried. Please, Harry, why didn't you tell me?" She crouched down and I rested my head on her shoulders.

I know I can trust Mione. She's been here for me through thick and thin.

"I was scared. Scared you wouldn't want me because I'm a freak. Scared you would be mad I didn't tell you. Scared that I would have to lose you to protect myself."

"What do you mean to protect yourself?"

I sighed. "Mione, I'm going to tell you everything. Everything that happened to me. Please don't interrupt me. Just listen."

"I promise." She smiled.

And so I told her everything. From the start of the abuse, the diagnosis' and losing Jack. Well, almost everything. She didn't need to know I self harmed.

And she definitely didn't need to know I got raped. On multiple occasions.

But as she promised, she stayed quiet the entire time.

By the time I was done we were both in tears. She gently pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into her shoulders. "I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm so, so sorry."

"It's okay. You didn't know. You couldn't have done anything about it."

"I'm still sorry. I-I should've noticed." Mione pulled away looked at me tearfully.

"No, no don't you dare blame yourself."

She opened her mouth to talk, but I silenced her. "Don't blame yourself for something you had no control over. This isn't your fault."

"C-Can I see. Properly. I only saw a couple bruises when I took down your glamour." Hermione asked and I nodded.

I let my glamour fall, but keeping my self-harm scars hidden, and I took off my shirt and jeans until I was left in my boxers.

Not a single part of my body was scar-free. My carvings, bruises, welts from belts and whipping marks littered my body. It was like a canvas for my uncle and he took sadistic pleasure in painting it. And of course, my body was frail and tiny, damaged and broken.

She continued crying as I put my clothes back on.

"Please keep it a secret." I asked.

"Elbow promise. I would never, Harry." Hermione exchanged her elbow and I bumped mine into hers. It's a thing we've had since we met. "I love you so much Harry. Never forget that. I am always here for you, okay?"

"I love you too Mione." I hug her once again.

"Thank you for telling me the truth. I'm going to take care of you to the best of my abilities okay?"

"You don't have-"

"Shush. Shush right now. I'm taking care of you." She looked at me sternly, like a mother would. Not that I would know.

For the next hour Mione heals my bruises and scars as much as she could. "They're never going to go away, but they're healing now. Most of them. Some of them I can't heal but a teacher could."


"I know. I won't make you go to a teacher, but please, tell Draco. He's worried about you. And I think he might need to talk to you too."

Hermione might be right. He seemed terrified when a wand was pointed at him and "I must not say no" ... it seemed off.

"Okay." I sigh. "I'll talk to him."

"Okay." Mione smiled at me weakly.

We both were drained from crying, clearly, and I was also drained from life, so we fell asleep under the stars, her head on my shoulders, my head on hers.

bloody hell this was dramatic

i wrote this some time last year and i only just found it

i was supposed to be dead by now

but since i'm not


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