Fifty-Nine | The Battle of Hogwarts

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June 19th, 1996

the day after sirius' death

~Harry's POV


No fucking way. It worked. Voldemort fell for my trap. Fucking idiot. Thought the Dark Lord would be smarter than that.

"I know that many of you will want to fight. Some of you may even think that to fight is wise. But this is folly. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded." Where's his voice come from? "You have one hour."

Everyone backed away from me, leaving me alone in the middle of the hall. For a moment, it was silent. Were people actually going to give me up?

"What are you waiting for?" A girl calls out. "Someone grab him!"

Ginny stood in front of me defensively, Hermione behind me. In seconds, half the hall had gathered by me. I had people by my side. Did I deserve it, though?

"Students out of bed!" Filch runs in shouting. "Students in the corridor."

"They are supposed to be out of bed you blithering idiot." McGonagall, I love you. 

"Oh.. Sorry ma'am." For a moment I thought Filch said mum.

McGonagall walks down to the caretaker. "As it happens, Mr Filch, your arrival is most opportune. If you would, I would like you please to lead Miss Bulstrode and the rest of Slytherin house from the hall."

"Exactly where is it I'll be leading them to, ma'am?"

"The dungeons would do."

Though they might not have realised it yet, McGonagall was only trying to protect them. Half of Slytherin had Death Eater parents. To watch your birthgivers fall at the hands of your classmates? Brutal.

She did them a favour.

"Mr Potter?"

"Yes, Professor?"

"Do you know where Albus is?"

Now that I think about it.. "No. I don't."

If you have to ask, you'll never know. If you know, you need only ask.

The Room of Requirement. The Room of Hidden Things. That's where the diadem must be. If it isn't, then I'm completely, utterly screwed.

"Students.." What now? It's not been an hour yet. "I hope you make the right decision. For one has already fallen.."



"Wands up, for Albus Dumbledore, who, by the way, has a wonderful wand."

Fuck you. I didn't get to finish saying everything I needed to. And his wand? He's got the Elder Wand, no? 

Fuck. Voldemort's basically unstoppable if you think about it. I need to get that wand off him, if it's the last thing I do. And it will be.

Once I reach the seventh floor, I take a moment to breathe before making my way to where I last saw the door.

I need the place where everything is hidden. I need the place where everything is hidden. I need the place where everything is hidden.

The third time pacing, the door reveals itself.

So, I go in to see the most cluttered room in the world. My anxiety spiked at the thought of everything collapsing and crushing me to death.

And for some reason, I feel like I'm not alone in here. But I should be, right? Maybe Hermione and Ron are back from the Chamber of Secrets? After all, I did just feel like a part of my soul got torn away a few minutes ago.

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