Seven | Bruises

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~Harry's POV

The next day I walked into school with makeup hiding my bruises and slap marks from the night before. 

Vernon was more careful and stopped hitting my face so that no one would see, and got me excused from PE so no one saw my bruised and broken body. 

Yesterday he must've been really angry if he forgot to watch out for my face. Jack knew something was wrong though.

During lunch he took me to the toilets, where everyone assumed we would be making out. I didn't really want to either, but I would rather have done that instead of what he did next.

He got a wet paper towel and wiped my face, revealing my bruised left eye and the giant red handprint on my right cheek.

"Who did this to you?" Jack's voice cracked. 

Dudley came running into the bathroom, probably to check his ship was sailing, horrified by what he saw.

"Dudley did you know about this?" My boyfriend asked, pained. He seemed to care more about me than I thought. 

"I was attacked on the way home." I say nervously. "Someone heard about us and clearly was homophobic." 

Tears formed in his eyelids. "This is my fault."

I run and hug him. "It isn't. None of this is your fault. You didn't do anything but make me happy, so don't blame yourself." 

Jack ends up crying, leaving tears in my fluffy, black hair. He ruffles it up and hugs me for a good few minutes. 

"Um so ... we have class now." Dudley says, clearly not trying to break this up, even though he had to. 

I kinda forgot he was there.

"Yeah, of course. Let me just reapply my makeup." 

Every time I got home, the beatings got worse and worse, and Vernon didn't even bother to watch out for my face. Me being a "faggot" suddenly made everything ten times worse and I don't know why. Why did he have to be so damn homophobic?

This went on for weeks. Jack would check my face every day and started to get worried. I told him I was fine every time but he no longer believed me after a few days. 

"I'm telling the school." Jack finally said.

My heart sank to my stomach.

If he tells the school then the school is going to call home and Vernon's going to beat the fuck out of me. Hell, he might even kill me. 

"You can't." My voice is shaky out of fear. "You can't." 

Jack looks at me angrily. "But someone is hurting you!" 

"It's just bullies, okay!" I scream. I would feel bad for lying if my life wasn't at risk here. "I'll confront them and start fighting back if I need to."

Jack frowned. He didn't believe me, did he?

"Okay." I smile inside. "But I'm checking your face again tomorrow." 

I got home and as usual Vernon beat me up until I couldn't walk. I wished to be healed and my wounds closed, again- as usual. And then he left. It had become a daily ritual at this point.

I went and told everything to Aunt Petunia and she told me about something that could've helped me ages ago. I should've told her this ages ago and Jack wouldn't be as worried.

"Waterproof setting spray." Auntie shows me on her phone. "It only comes off with a specific liquid. You said Jack only uses water and paper towels, yes?"

I nod.

"Good. Start spraying this on your face after doing your makeup. It won't come off unless you use this." She shows me another item on her phone. 

"But do you have any at home?" I ask. 

"Nope. That's why we're going out tonight. Let's go." Aunt Petunia throws a coat on and goes downstairs to get her shoes on. "Come Dudley!" 

Dudley and I also put on a coat and shoes over our uniform and get into the second car that Vernon doesn't know about. We park it across the street behind a rather large tree.

"Vernon has some sort of meeting, I'm not really sure, but he did say he wouldn't be home till dinner." she explains.

It's a bit odd how he comes in to hurt me and then leaves until dinner. 

"Anyways, hurry up kids. The store closes in an hour." 

Shopping for makeup had always been quite fun for me. But this time it was to protect a secret that can't go out. I never thought anyone would care for me enough to find out about my abuse. Jack doesn't exactly know, but he might soon.

I closed my eyes and put the setting spray onto my makeup. I gave it a few minutes and then splashed my face with water. The makeup didn't get ruined. 

This is perfect.

We drove to school and the moment Vernon drove off, Dudley hugged me. "I know lying to Jack is tough. I'm here for you." 

I smiled at the boy until the bell rang. I still flinch a bit at the noise- I never really got used to it. We had five minutes until we had to go to class, so Jack decided to grab my arm and take to me to the toilets.

Little does he know every time he does that it hurts my cuts. 

I felt a wet paper towel touch my skin and I panicked, forgetting about the magical setting spray. 

"No bruises. No makeup." Jack smiles at me. "You did it!" 

I smile back, but remember what I thought of earlier.

He cares too much. A bit too much. Maybe it's best if I push him away so that he doesn't worry about me. 

"I... I'm breaking up with you Jack." It hurt my heart to say that. 

"W-What?" Jack's voice falters. "Hare Bear?"

I don't say anything. I look at my shoes, pushing away the tears as much as I can whilst I talk to him.

"I don't love you. I never liked you. Never at all. I was using you." My heart was breaking with every word.

"Using me for what?!" He asked, using anger to mask the pain.

It wasn't working; no one can fool me when it comes to emotions. I'm the master of hiding and lying about how I feel.

Wait. What was I using him for?

"I was using you for popularity. For the fame." That was the biggest lie ever. I've always hated being the centre of attention. Not that I ever have been. But just being in the spotlight is a no from me. 

"I hate you Harry Potter." Jack speaks, venom in his voice. He slaps me without realising. 

I clasp my cheek and get a flashback of every time Vernon has slapped me. Jack just walks out without realising what he's done.

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