Thirty-Nine | Talk

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~Harry's POV

The moment Blaise realised, I dashed out of his room and ran to the hiding place I would always love. 

Myrtle's bathroom.

See, I told myself that if he was comfortable talking to me, surely I could be comfortable talking to him. 

But he explained everything. Why he did it, the worst parts of it, and how he recovered. I can't talk about that.

I can't even explain it myself. How would I put a struggle like that into words?

"What happened Harry? You look awfully shaken up."

"He knows."

Myrtle sighed and floated over to me. "Didn't you want him to know? Did he not talk about his anorexia?"

"He did. He did but-" I sighed too. "Myrtle, I don't know how I would talk about it, or what I would say. I can't explain it. And now two of my struggles that weren't supposed to come out, are out."

"At least it's not all four. Besides, Draco doesn't know the full story, and you didn't confirm with Blaise that you're anorexic, right?"

I chuckled humourlessly. "I made it obvious by running out of his room as fast as I could when he realised."


"No... It doesn't feel right. I mean, what if I really could bond with him over this. I didn't tell Mione or Draco because, one I'd rather not let anyone know, and two, they wouldn't get it. But Blaise would."

"So go. Go talk to him. And if you still regret it, Obliviate him."

I smile at my ghost friend gratefully. "What would I do without you?"

"You would've bled out in the third year."

I roll my eyes. "Sometimes I wish you let me."

Myrtle looks at me sympathetically, and I regret saying that. She must feel so helpless and burdened with all of my problems. Is it possible to Obliviate a ghost?

"I'm glad I didn't. Now go talk to Blaise or I'll apparate you there."

"You can't apparate."

"You don't know what a bored ghost can do."

"Fair enough." I walk out, wondering if she was being serious or not.

"Come in." Blaise says after I knock on his door. His face lights up in a sad-but-I'm-glad-you-came-back way. "Potter."




"You're back."

"It appears so."

"Did you, erm, you know-" Blaise began. 

Once I got what he meant, I cut him off. "No, no. There wasn't anything left to throw up."

He frowned, clearly concerned. How on earth was I supposed to talk to him about this? I can't even talk to myself about it. Merlin, this was going to be difficult.

"So... it really is you?" He asks, and I nod. "You're the other person? Merlin, you must've been through a lot. Myrtle spoke of you as if you were so fragile a simple poke could break you."

I wince at that statement. Did he know any exact details?

"Erm, yeah. I guess. I'm the other known anorexic of Hogwarts." I say in a sarcastic, happy way. That's how Blaise is gonna know me as now. The fucked-up, fragile anorexic.

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