Fifty-Six | Sirius

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was having a great day until my mum decided to be a nosy bitch and look through my shit and find and take away everything she shouldn't have found whilst i was out so im literally going to kms fuck everyone

oh btw my laptop charger is fucked so i cant update and write my other books as usual so if i disappear that's why !!

~Harry's POV

"Get behind me!" I command, pointing my wand towards the sound.

They all do as I say, wands towards the sound as well.

A swarm of black mist comes and blinds us, and in that moment everything hits me. I did this. I fell for Voldemort's trap and I got them all into danger.

And now we're all gonna die, but the only one who wants to be dead is me. They all have lives to live, and my stupidity is gonna take that away from them all.

I fall to the ground, holding the prophecy as tight as I can in my hand. Breathing heavily, I wait for the end to come.

But it doesn't.

Instead, the swarms disappear, and I'm alone on the ground, wand and prophecy still in my possession. I stand up and look around, and my stomach sinks.

There are Death Eaters holding all of my friends hostage, wands at their heads or throats. Pansy was being held by her very own father, his grip gentle. Blaise and Draco were being held by random Death Eaters, their grips much harsher.

Lucius chuckles, and I turn to face him. "Did you actually believe, or were you truly naïve enough to think that children stood a chance, against us?" He walked past me, nodding his head at Bellatrix.

Mad woman was smiling, holding Neville hostage. I would kill her if she ever tried to make another Longbottom crazy by Crucio.

"I'll make this.. simple, for you Potter." He pauses. "Give me the prophecy now, or watch your friends die."

I look at my loyal friends, all about to die. I wasn't going to let their blood be on my hands. Not when I could've saved them. It was an easy choice.

"Don't give it to him, Harry!" Neville shouts.

"Shh." The sound of wood against his neck was the breaking point for me. The prophecy was not more important than their lives.

Defeated, I slowly place the prophecy in Lucius' hand. He raises it, breathing in, proudly, until a light makes him turn around.

"Get away from my god-son." Sirius warns, before punching the blond right in the face.

Lucius falls, whilst other lights travel the room and free my friends, and looks like he's about to cry when the prophecy falls to the ground and shatters.

Take that, child-abuser.

Tonks, Moody, Kingsley and Arthur stand proudly. Fucking Order of the Phoenix. They're brilliant, they are.

Unlike me, foolish child who believed his godfather was being tortured by Voldemort. But it's alright now, because he's safe, he's here. He's right next to me.

I was about to hug him, tell him I love him, quick last goodbyes because I still intend on offing myself after this, but he just put his arm 'round my shoulder and got up from behind our very cosy rock.

We found another splendid rock, where I was going to say everything but he spoke before I could. "Now listen to me, I want you to take the others and get out of here."

"What? No, I'm staying with you." So I can say goodbye.

"You've done beautifully, let me take it from here." Sirius smiles.

For a moment, I considered leaving. And then Lucius and some clapped guy appeared and Sirius and I stood up. To fight with my godfather, what a wonderful way to spend my last day.

Wow I rhymed. Maybe, if I don't die, I could become a poet.

Lucius looked maniacal, grinning psychotically, and attempted to hit me with a spell. Thankfully, my- Sirius blocked it, and we engaged in a two-versus-two duel.

Aurors flew around us, getting rid of other Death Eaters.

Where were my friends? Were they safe?

I was snapped out of my worrying when Sirius managed to get the clapped guy to fall away from the rock-thing we were on. I took this as an opportunity to use my favourite spell, Expelliarmus. One of Lucius' wands flew away.

"Nice one, James!" Sirius exclaimed.

That caught me off guard, and I stood stupidly shocked, behind Sirius as he fully disarmed Lucius. We did it.

And no one's dead.

Sirius took one last hit at Lucius, and he was flung back. Would Draco be mad that my godfather might've killed his father?

And out of nowhere, Bellatrix shouted Avada Kedavra and hit Sirius. The smile on my face disappeared as I looked back at her and then Sirius.

The archway thing took him away. No body, no goodbye.

"No... no, no." I muttered, shook. Someone put their hands around me, trying to hold me back from god knows what, and I just screamed.

Screamed, and died a little inside. For I'd lost the only family I had left. And I didn't even get to say goodbye.

Fuck you Bellatrix.

The logical side of me died with Sirius, and I let the anger take control. I managed to get out of the stranger's grip and followed the grinning bitch who killed Sirius.

"I killed Sirius Black." She cackled. "You coming to get me?"

In a moment of blinding hatred, I shot the most unexpected spell. "CRUCIO!"

She gasped and fell to the floor. But she didn't look hurt.

"You've got to mean it, Harry." A familiar voice said to me. "She killed him. She deserves it. You know the spell, Harry."

I was going to die today. So what if I did?

"CRUCIO!" I meant it, I really fucking did. And Bellatrix collapsed fully, her body writhing in agony.

Huh. She struck me as the type of person to enjoy pain. To like the curse I was performing.

Maybe my anger mixed in with my lovely Chosen One perks and hurt much more than it should. Or maybe I thought wrong.

"Imperio." I spelled. She was now under my control. Oh, how brilliant it felt to finally be the puppeteer rather than the puppet. "Kill yourself."

Bellatrix looked completely terrified as her wand raised to her throat. She didn't want to, but her free will was mine.

"Wait one second."

She paused.

"Tell me, Bellatrix Lestrange, how did it feel to kill someone? To kill your own cousin?"

"Killing is blissful. To kill my own cousin, however, felt amazing."

"Fuck you." I wanted to hurt her before she died. "CRUCIO!"

I held the curse for a minute or so, before asking another question. "Do you want to die, Bella?"

"No. I want to live. I want the Dark Lord to love me."

"No one will ever love you." I smirked. "Now kill yourself."

A tear fell from her eye, or maybe sweat fell from her forehead to her lashes. But I didn't care. I laughed as the wand pointed to her neck.

"Bye bye."

"Ava- Avada Kedavra."

Bellatrix Lestrange was no more. She died, unloved. And now, may she rot in hell.

dark harry arc

i scoured youtube for ootp clips so i could make it accurate

obviously you can see when it became my own plot

enjoy the next few chapters

bc they're gonna be the last

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