Thirty-One | Occlumency

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~Harry's POV

By the end of the week, our entire group was informed on my new situation. We were all trying to guess who would teach me. 


"Nah, I doubt it."

"Dumbledore himself?"

"No idiot, he would've told Harry."


"What about Hagrid?"

"All due respect, I don't think Hagrid knows that stuff."

"Hey!" I interrupt the guessing game. "Don't insult my favourite giant like that. I'm sure he's perfectly capable of learning something like that, with the right motivation."

My group roll their eyes and continue guessing.

So, how should I do this?

Occlumency is the art of clearing your mind and not allowing any memories to push through. To make it seem like there's nothing there to find.

Obviously I can't bait out the fact that I'm already fully aware of how to do so. I'm going to have to put up a fight. Allow a few memories, good ones of course, to escape. Then, slowly but surely, get better.

Eventually, whoever's teaching me will be so surprised at how easy I made it look, they'll leave me alone and our lessons will be over. 

I plan on having maybe four to six lessons with this mysterious man who could potentially hurt me. Any more than that and I'll look like a fool.

"Harry?" Dumbledore taps his cup, causing the entire hall's attention to be focussed on me. Could he not have magicked me up there or something?

"Come here."

All eyes were on me as I walked up to the old fool. Why, why, why. I just wanted to eat my dinner on a Friday night with my friends in peace. Can I not have that?

 "Your lessons. You do remember they're after dinner yes?"

I resist the urge to just Avada him. I'd win easier with the Elder Wand.

"Yes. I do." I replied bluntly instead.

Something in Dumbledick's eyes change momentarily. They softened, and it looked like he was wondering why my attitude had changed. And then they were back to normal.

I turn around to see eyes literally glued to me, in such an unsettling way. Out of nowhere, I shivered. I wasn't even cold.

A few eyebrows raised at my random shiver, and to be honest I was wondering what caused that too. 

"I LIKE TITS." Someone yelled, the attention shifted off of me to the area where someone's lovely outing happened.



"NASTTTTTTTTY." The first girl shouted back.

Quickly, I make my way back to my seat, attention now focussed on the second girl on the opposite side of the hall. 

Pansy was smirking. "Did you like that?" 

"Thank you."

"My beautiful wife, yes wife, she proposed with a sweetie ring, was saying how anxious you looked up there with so many people watching. I am a master at drawing attention away and onto me."

I gave her a grateful smile, then gave the same to Hermione. "Was the ring good?"

"Not as good as what we did after."

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