Fifty-Five | Prophecy

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scattered cross my family line

im so good at telling lies

~Harry's POV

By night, our group of nine makes it to London, by thestral. Strangest form of travel I've ever heard of, but it is what it is. Magic, right?

"This is it." I say as I walk out of the lift. A straight hallway towards the door.

With our wands as torches, we go through the door to find shelves upon shelves of cloudy spheres. Behind us, the door shuts and begins to float away.

"Ninety-two... ninety-three... ninety-four... ninety-five." I count breathlessly, walking past the aisles. Checking the floor, fear creeps up on me. I turn around to face the others. "He should be here."

We keep walking, until Ron finds something on row ninety-seven. "Harry?" 


"This one's got your name on it."

I pick up the glowing sphere, and it .. talks? "The one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord approaches. And the Dark Lord shall mark him as his equal but he shall have power the Dark Lord knows none of. For neither can live whilst the other survives."

"Harry!" Hermione shouts, and I turn to face what she's looking at.

I stand in front of her, wand pointed at the masked figure. "Where's Sirius?" I ask as it walks closer.

"You know, you should really learn to tell the difference between dreams," it unsheathes its wand and takes off his mask, "and reality."

We step back once we see Lucius Malfoy, and Draco makes himself as invisible as he can.

"You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Now hand me the prophecy."

"You do anything to us and I'll break it." Translation, touch Draco and I'll kill you on the spot.

A witch-like cackle makes Lucius turn his head slightly. "He knows how to play. Itty, bitty... baby... Potter."

"Bellatrix Lestrange.." The reason why Neville is orphaned despite his parents being alive.

"Neville Longbottom, is it? How's mum and dad."

"Better now they're about to be avenged." Neville raises his wand and moves forward, but I place my hand in front of him.

Lucius raises his hand in surrender. "Let's everybody just calm down. All we want is that prophecy."

"Voldemort wanted me to come and get this?"

"You dare speak his name?" Bellatrix asks disgustedly. "YOU FILTHY HALF-BLOOD."

"It's alright, he's just a curious lad, aren't you?" Lucius asks. "Prophecies can only be retrieved by about whom they are made."

There's more Death Eaters behind us. We're all gonna die.

"Which is lucky, for you, really." More and more Death Eaters approach from every exit. "Haven't you always wondered what was the reason for the connection between you and the Dark Lord?" Lucius and Bellatrix walk closer to us. "Why he was unable to kill you when you were just an infant? Don't you want to know the secret of your scar?"

I actually do, but not if it means you get the prophecy. Clearly it's valuable, even if I'm completely unaware of what the voice meant.

"All the answers are there, Potter, in your hand. All you have to do is give it to me. I can show you everything."

Ok Aladdin wannabe, I can show you the world. Get out. As if I'd trust the man who tortured my boyfriend into perfection.

"I've waited fourteen years.." I begin.

"I know." Lucius tuts.

Ha watch this.

"Guess I can wait a little longer."

Bet you didn't expect that, Elsa.

"NOW!" I signal. "STUPEFY."

The rest follow my lead and stun the rest of the Death Eaters. Once stunned, we run as fast as we can, only for Lucius to appear with his hand outstretched for the prophecy.

A few of us turn a corner and continue running. Luna gets punched by a Death Eater, but she uses the spell Levicorpus and drags Neville away with her after he uses Petrificus Totalus

Ron, Hermione and I find each other, only to be blocked by more Death Eaters. A Stupefy in one's direction clears a path for us to run, whilst Ron and Mione continue shooting spells behind us.

"Stupefy!" I spell away the Death Eater next to me, before bumping into the rest of our group.

A Death Eater from afar makes its way towards us, but a Reducto from Ginny kept it away. Prophecies begin to fall, and we retreat slowly.

Luna just stares in awe, leaving Neville to grab her and run.

"Get back to the door!" I shout, running as fast as my unfit body can.

Shelves upon shelves fall behind us, creating an avalanche of glass and wood. We narrowly avoid them once we find the door, but the door leads to a tunnel and we fall.

But don't hit the ground, yet. A moment of floating in the air, gasping, and then we all fall onto the ground, uninjured. And so is the prophecy.

"Department of Mysteries, got that bit right, didn't they." Ron jokes once we're all standing.

A giant archway with some sort of light coming out of it catches my attention, and almost trance-like, I walk towards it.

"The voices, can you hear what they're saying?"

"There aren't any voices, Harry." Hermione informs.

I've really gone crazy, haven't I?


"Let's get out of here." Hermione demands, but I keep walking towards the arch.

"I hear them too." Luna walks next to me.

Thank God, maybe I'm not the only crazy one. I'm just as sane as she is.

"Harry, it's just an empty archway." Hermione states, but she doesn't seem to see what Luna and I see. "Please, Harry."

A whooshing sound gets my attention.

God, I should start listening to her more.

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