Fifteen | Crucio

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~Draco's POV

Even though I've only been on good terms with Harry for a short time, I feel like I can tell him anything.

He's got the most beautiful personality and the most handsome face, and he's got loyalty and a sense of security that makes me feel like I can trust him with the world's secrets.

And I'm not just saying that because I've been madly in love with him for nearly five years.

He genuinely seems like someone you can trust and someone who would never judge you. Maybe he'd tease you here and there but that's just his muggle-raised humour. 

Or his almost being killed every school year humour. Pretty sure the muggles call it dark humour, or something like that.

"Erm, Draco, you there?" Harry pulls me out of my thoughts.

"My bad." I chuckle nervously.

Okay, where do I begin? What do I say?

The truth???

Good idea.

"Erm, so basically. You know the thing Umbuffoon made me carve into my hand?"

"You mean the thing that said I must not say no?" Harry asks, and I nod. "What about it?"

"Basically, my father is friends, I think, with her and they've been trying to convince me to erm, become a death eater. She had me in detention because I've been trying to weave my way out of becoming one of those demon-like, dark dress-draped Darth Vader wannabes."

Harry stared at me in surprise. "You know what Star Wars are?" 

I roll my eyes. "Out of all the things you choose to talk about from what I just told you, you choose to go with that?"

"Yes. I didn't think the heir of one of the most strictly-raised pureblood families would know about a muggle movie series such as Star Wars."

"Whatever. There's a bit more." 

Harry nods, basically saying, go on

"You know how my father always seems strict and how I always strive to be perfect to make him proud and that bullshit?" 


"I wasn't always perfect. In fact, I used to be the complete opposite. I was a mischievous mess with the worst grades in the world. No matter what, I'd never listen to my parents and I would always get into trouble."

I smile and shake my head at how I used to be.

"Father decided to do something about it the summer before I started here. He told me that Hogwarts would most definitely not tolerate my behaviour. Father didn't want me to disappoint him, or shame the Malfoy name any further than I already had. 

So when I said no and chose to continue embarrassing him, he finally had enough. He did something about it and I clearly changed. I became perfect for him."

Harry looked at me. He knew exactly what I was about to say, yet he asked anyway. "What'd he do."

"He hurt me."

My voice cracked. This was the first time I'd ever spoke about this to anyone. Pansy told me about her experiences with a strict, overbearing pureblood family and Blaise and I simply comforted her and related to her. 

But I'd never actually talked about it.

"He, um, used magic on me. The Cruciatus Curse. My father told me that if I didn't fix up and stop shaming him, he'd torture me until I'd lost my mind, just like Bellatrix did to the Longbottom's.

The first time he threatened to Crucio me, I ran from him in hopes that he'd back off. I prayed that he'd remember I'm still his kid and that he wouldn't ever hurt me. But then he Stupefied me and I knew he'd actually hurt me. 

He Crucio'd me for hours until I didn't need to be Stupefied to stop moving. I laid on the floor in agony for a day, but it felt like forever. 

Every single time I messed up, or gotten a grade anything below perfect, Father would Crucio me and taunt me until I could move again. And then when I was able to move, he'd sit and watch me study until I was perfect.

And then eventually, I didn't mess up at all, so he just tortured me for fun."

Harry's mouth was hanging open in shock. "For fun?!"

"Yeah. Mother tried to help me but then Father would just slap her and force her to leave or he'd Crucio her too. She was willing to take a spell for me, but I wasn't gonna let her do that. I told her that if she stayed and got Crucio'd, I'd kill myself right in front of her.

I know that was a sick thing to do, and the worst possible threat to use in front of a parent, but I cared way too much to let her get tortured just for me. I love her way too much for that. 

After the first time, she sat and talked with me until I could move and told me that what Father did to me was sick and twisted and that no kid deserves that. She was there for me as much as she could be. 

Mother made me food and helped me study unlike Father. She gave me revision notes and snacks every now and then to encourage me. Whenever Father appeared, I told her to leave the room before he could see. 

Father knows no limits when it comes to hurting people, so if he's to hurt anyone, it's me, not her. She knows I'm too stubborn to let her get hurt for me anyway.

So, despite my father being a torture-thirsty, child abuser, my mother was the complete opposite. She never even loved him. Arranged marriages suck. If she could leave him she would, and so would I."

"I'm so sorry Draco. You didn't deserve any of that. No matter how bad you could've been, no kid deserves to get tortured as a form of discipline." Harry says. 

"Yeah well he did anyway."

"When was the last time he hurt you?" Harry asks. 

"Before school started again." 

He nods. "Fight back."

I look at the raven-haired psychopath with a face that screamed, what the fuck.

"Are you on drugs? You want me to fight a deranged death eater who's only hobby is to torture random people and his son, for FUN?!"

Harry chuckled. "If you won't, I will."

I smile. "No thanks. Even though he's some sadistic sicko, he's still my father and I wouldn't wanna hurt him."

"Your loss."

I roll my eyes. "You gotta get violence off your mind. Who on earth put these kinda thoughts into your head?" 

Harry bit his lip nervously and looked everywhere but at me. Whatever I said was clearly a trigger for him because he'd gone silent and didn't have any dumb, Harry-style retorts to what I said.

"Are you okay?"

"Mhm. I'm good."

Now it's his turn to do some explaining.

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