Eighteen | Depression

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~Harry's POV

"Harry James Potter, if you do not get off your phone right now and get out of your depressive, bedridden state, I will break that electrical glass screen over your head." Hermione threatens as she rips my duvet off me.

"But Mione I'm depressed." I frown. 

"I don't care. You haven't showered in a week and magic won't make you smell nice." She drags me out of bed. "Shower right now and join us in the Room of Requirement in an hour."

"I won't take an hour to shower."

"It's been a week. For the sake of me and everybody who lives in this dorm, use that full hour." She leaves the room.

Absolutely not. I'm too drained to do anything.

I dive back into my bed, appreciating the warmth that stayed there for the very long time I was away from it.

"Not even a minute and you're back in bed?!" Hermione screeches as she comes back into the room. "Do I need to do everything around here?"

She grabs my wrist and drags me out of bed yet again and pushes me into the bathroom. I hiss, but she doesn't notice. I don't blame her, since she doesn't know.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you, but it had to be done." Mione rolls her eyes and laughs to herself. That is until she realises I'm literally a scar-littered skeleton. "Oh my god, wait, I'm so sorry, did I actually hurt you?"

I smile and shake my head. "I'm fine. Now leave or I'm sleeping in here."

She quickly hugs me and kisses me on the head. "You're stinky but I love you. Bye!"

Our platonic soulmate friendship is something I will eternally be grateful for. I'll treasure it forever. 

Even if she's an annoying know-it-all who babies me sometimes, I still love her to bits. Without her I'd be six feet under. 

She knows me like nobody else in this place. And the majority of the time she treats me exactly the way she always has- although every now and then she'll check up on me.

It does suck when she starts to notice the flinching and zoning out. Not always, but sometimes. But even so I appreciate it because so many people would be willing to have someone take care of them and love them the way Mione does for me.

"Did you miss me?" I bow after walking in to the Room of Requirement. 

Ron runs up to hug me. He sniffs me as he does and then lets go. "THANK YOU HERMIONE."

"Oh shut up I didn't smell that bad." I roll my eyes at the redhead.

"Sure." the other redhead slurs, clearly drunk already.

Ginny sure does love a good, illegal drink. 

"Your teeth were yellow and hair looked like a birds nest. You also had stained sweat patches on your shirt that you had on for, let's think, the entire week where you didn't get out of bed." Ron explains.

"Ouch." I hold my hand to my heart and sigh. 

It's true. I told McGonagall that I was extremely sick and could barely got out of bed via owl, because Hogwarts refuses to become modern, and she let me off classes for the week.

I wasn't physically sick, just mentally.

The entire week I was staring at the ceiling in the dark, same old empty feeling in my heart, cause love comes slow and it goes so fast.

And I saw him when I closed my eyes. Maybe one day I'll understand why, everything I touched surely died. 

And I saw him when I fell asleep, never to touch and never to keep. Cause I liked him too much and I dove too deep.

And they told me, you only know you love them when you let them go.

I miss Cedric. I can't believe he died right in front of me man.

Anyways other than that I went on Tiktok. I'm proud to have grown-up as a muggle because phones are too amazing.

I only got one once I traded my parent's money for some muggle money and bought my own phone. I haven't had to hide it from Vernon yet since I bought it only recently.

"Sit down Harry. We're playing Veritaserum or Dare again, and Ginny politely chugged our muggle Vodka bottle just so it'd be empty." Luna chirps in her usual, cheery voice.

"Couldn't you just empty it magically or get an actual empty bottle?" I ask, sitting down and letting all the previous thoughts go away.

"She insisted."

I nod and laugh. Ginny wasn't a heavyweight, meaning she must've emptied more than one bottle.

"How come you guys have muggle alcohol?" Theo asks.

"Hermione stole a bunch from a liquor store in summer and kept them safe for occasions like this." Pansy laughs.

"SHE DID WHAT?!" All of us except Hermione and Pansy shriek.

"I did not." Hermione rolls her eyes. "I Accio'd them from a Scottish liquor store when we got back to Hogwarts. There's a difference."

"Ain't no way you did that- especially Accio'ing something from that far away." I argue. She's too... good for that.

"Well what can I say? I am the brightest witch of my age." Mione smirks. This is new. "Anyways are we playing or not?"

"Fuck yeah let's get wasted." Ginny screams.

"You are wasted love." Luna nudges her girlfriend.

Ginny simply laughs and takes another shot of vodka without making a face.

We're way too young for this, but no one cares.

Everything that's happened at Hogwarts? We're all too young for this shit. But it's okay because alcohol fixes everything.

Not really.

But if not, a sharp piece of silver will.



idk wtf this is bro

anyways the real side of mental health guys


i'm on chapter 34 #motivation

not posting all at once tho

i've got two books ready to start writing when i finish this

idk how i'm supposed to

ending is written in my notes tho

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