Thirty-Seven | Care

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~Harry's POV

I'd been taken back into the real world when Draco had gently kissed me. I'd found out I was crawled up into a ball in the corner of his room and trapped myself in my mind.

"Harry? Harry what the fuck just happened?" He asked, picking me up and carrying me back into his bed. "Are you okay? Fuck, of course you aren't."

"I, erm." Well what do I say? "I'd seen a memory. Of Voldemort. Using Crucio on me in the graveyard, after seeing Cedric die."

"Oh, darling, I'm so sorry." Draco wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight, loving embrace. "Are you okay now?"

I nod.

I am not.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you." He kissed my forehead. "You look shaken up. I'm going to take care of you, just wait here love."

Draco left his room quickly and I sat on his bed, catching up on breaths that I felt like I'd missed reliving what Vernon did to me. It fully felt like I was back in that moment, feeling everything he did.

If I hadn't managed to leave my memories, I would've thrown up, and there was nothing to throw up. 

I could almost feel the way my wrist felt that same night, with the deep, red marks on my pale skin causing pools of blood overflowing inside my cupboard. 

It was like my mind was going hazy all over again, and the light in the room was fading. I didn't feel real.

"Harry?" Draco was back with a tray of things I couldn't be bothered to recognise. "Drink up love."

A cold glass of water met my lips and I began to drink the water like I'd never receive it again. 

"Hey, hey relax. You're going to give yourself hiccups if you drink too fast." I slowed down at his words. "It's only me here, no one's gonna take it away from you. Relax."

Breathing out shakily, I felt myself relax. 

"Here." Draco placed a cookie in my hands. "Home made. Whenever I get back flashbacks, homemade cookies always seem to cheer me up."

So many calories. Was the first thing that came to my mind when I'd seen it.

It did look amazing however. And I couldn't say no to Draco when he was being so sincere. He really seemed to care- how could I crush his spirits?

Reluctantly, I took a bite of a fattening food that normal people would love. I was taken aback by how good it was. 

For a minute, my hate for all foods had gone and I ate four whole cookies.

"Good, aren't they?" I nod. "Blaise, Pansy and I came up with the recipe together in the second year when we discovered Pansy had nightmares. She'd been so shaken up that Blaise found all the best ingredients and fully just poured them into the batter.

Once they were cooked, Pansy absolutely loved them. I'd thought they would be sweetness overkill and they wouldn't be enjoyable, but no. We made a pact that if either of us couldn't sleep, we'd make those cookies again and stay up together.

I was worried Blaise wouldn't want them because they had so many calories, but he didn't care. They were the one thing he would eat without worrying about. These cookies are just amazing and I can't even put it into words."

"You just did." I laugh. "But why would Blaise worry about calories?"

I knew the answer. Could it be that Blaise was just like me? 

"What?" Draco chuckled nervously. "What do you mean? Blaise doesn't worry about calories."

I give him a look.

"He's going to kill me. I didn't mean to tell you. Fuck, I'm sorry, I need to go talk to him." 

I smile reassuringly. "It's okay Draco. I'm sure he'll understand." 

"He's going to kill me."

If Blaise is like me, does it mean I'd have someone to talk to about it? I mean, I don't plan on telling anyone. Only Myrtle knows.


The other person.

Blaise is the other person.

"Is he- is he anorexic?" I ask hesitantly. 

Draco simply nods. "How did you know?"

"After you accused me of having an eating disorder, I went and researched it." Liar. "There's so many types, and so many people struggle with them. It's awful."

"It is." He trailed off. "Will you be okay? I need to talk to Blaise."

"Can I?"


"Can I talk to him? I'll tell him you were only trying to help and it was an accident. I won't let him get mad at you." If I talk to him and it's true, and he's the other person that Myrtle had talked about, then maybe, just maybe I'd tell him about my struggles.

I would tell Hermione or Draco, but they really wouldn't understand. Or I could simply just not tell anyone, but I could give it a chance first, right?

Take a look into Blaise's situation and see if I feel comfortable talking to him about it, or even if he feels comfortable talking to me about it.

Then, and only then, will I open up.

"I..." Draco sighed. "Sure." 

I leaned into the blond and quickly kissed him before standing up. It felt dark for a sec, and I thought I might black out, but I composed myself and left, leaving Draco confused for sure.

Time to go talk to a fellow anorexic, but first, a visit to Myrtle.

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