Fifty-Two | Fine

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i just finished it was all just a game 

that book made me want to die

and not die

and now that its over i want to die again


i currently want to die

i havent written anything in a while bc life sucks and i wish my attempt worked

demotivation sucks

feeling empty atm cant lie

ive taken over a month to update this which sucks because man i love writing and im so near to the end and i want to finish this

update i obviously finished this

~Harry's POV

Draco and I laid together in a blissful silence in his bed, his arm around my shoulders, my head on his chest. I truly did love this boy, and suddenly it felt harder to leave him.

But I had to. I knew I had to. My world was about to fall apart, I knew it deep down. It was either Myrtle telling him and Hermione everything or something else.

would it be so bad if they knew?

Yeah, it would, because they wouldn't get it. No one would. I don't even understand the way I feel sometimes. It's like, sometimes I feel so fucking empty, and I know I shouldn't, because I'm the Golden Boy, Chosen One, Boy Who Lived and all that.

I should appreciate the fame, right? Defeat Voldemort, become an Auror, live up to the expectations everyone has of me and maybe even grow up with Draco, marry him even. My life is basically set out for me already.

but that's not what you want

Why am I having a deep conversation with myself right now? I should be focussing on Draco and the fact that we have exams in a few hours.

Oh my god. Wait. Exams.


The time showed two-thirty, meaning we had about two hours till the exams. Shouldn't Draco be studying? My boyfriend is an overachiever after all.

"Draco, exams start in two or so hours, you should be studying." I stated. "Not lying here with your messy boyfriend."

"I love my messy boyfriend though." He kissed my forehead.



"I know exams are important to you, so go, study." I ushered him away, but he didn't go. He stayed where he was.

"Something is clearly up with you, Potter. I'm worried about you." He frowned.

I rolled over onto my stomach and propped my chin on my hands. "I'm fine."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Please, you're clearly not." 

Scoffing, I looked away. My last few hours here do not need to be depressing. It already started off depressing enough with all the arguments with him, Mione and Myrtle. I'm not having a fucking heart-to-heart before my exams.

"I am fine." I gritted my teeth.

Draco's face softened. "Harry, please. Don't shut me out. You're barely ever honest with me. Why are you afraid to let me in?"

"Afraid?" I scoffed again. "Please, I defeated Voldemort three times and saved a Hippogriff from being executed, your fault by the way, and saved my godfather from getting imprisoned and receiving the kiss. I am not afraid to let you in."

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