Six | Caught

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~Harry's POV

Kissing Jack was pure bliss. In the moment, I forgot everything existed. I forgot about life, my abuse, Vernon, pain- everything.

All I could feel was an angel kissing me.

I was taken out of my happiness when I heard cheering.

Not just three boys cheering... 

A whole school.

I was caught.

I looked around me- the whole school was clapping and shouting, "Yes Jack!" 

I wasn't surprised since Jack is one of the popular boys. 

"JARRY!" A bunch of girls shouted.

I was confused- what the hell was going on. We just kissed, that's all. 

"I always knew Harry was gay."

"I always knew that he would get with Jack."

I looked at my friends, and then the boy I just kissed.

"I've liked you ever since I heard your adorable laugh. I know you only kissed me to see if you were gay or not, but... be mine?" Jack asked me.

I was screaming on the inside. Screaming. I was definitely gay and I really liked the boy who just basically proposed to me. 

I could feel everyone's eyes on me as they awaited an answer. 

"Of course!" I scream in my usual timid voice. I hug Jack, standing on my tip toes as usual. He hugs me back and the school erupts into cheers again. 

Eventually the bell rang and we went back inside for class.

Aren't I a bit young for this? I'm only ten. Do people date at the age of ten? 

I mean, our generation grew up fast. So did I. So did Jack.

We all grew up way too quickly. Even though I know I'm way too young for this, I'm happy to be here, with Jack as my boyfriend.

Oh wow. I have a boyfriend.

I always thought I would grow up dating a girl.

Or be dead.

But everything seemed to have been different. 

Today is probably the happiest day of my life. Nothing can ruin that.


I was wrong. Something can ruin this day. Vernon. 

Gossip spread quickly around town about me being gay and dating Jack. Vernon had always been extremely homophobic, which is why Dursley and I never told him about being friends with a gay boy.

But now I've been caught.

"ANSWER ME!" The fat man screams and then slaps me, jerking my head to the side. My glasses fly off my face and I instantly clasp my cheek as it begins to sting. I'm not going to be able to hide that.

"YOU FAGGOT!" Vernon punches me dead in the eye. 

I'm glad that my glasses fell off, otherwise glass would get stuck in my eye again. 

"I REFUSE TO HAVE A FAGGOT IN MY HOUSE." He kicks me and I fall back, hitting my head on the wall by the kitchen doorway.

Vernon repeatedly kicks me in the stomach until black dots cloud my vision. He notices and pick me up by the collar of my shirt and throws me across the hallway into the door. I hit my head on the doorknob and feel blood trickle down my neck.

"YOU DISGUST ME FAGGOT." He roars into my ears, making me jump. He slaps me once more. "I HATE YOU, FREAKISH FAGGOT." 

Vernon dragged me to the kitchen where he grabs a knife. 

He's gonna carve something into me again. 

I whimper as he rips my shirt off and pushes me so that he can see my back. Vernon traces the old carving with his rough, fat fingers. 




A while ago he stopped marking me and carved words into me instead. But that didn't stop him from marking me one last time.

Property of Vernon Dursley.

There's so many ways he has hurt me before, but these words hurt the most. I wasn't my own person, I never have been. I'm not treated like a human. I'm property. Vernon owns me and does things to me I've never consented to.

I want to be free.

"Your next carving," the evil man smiled "is FAGGOT!"

So for the next ten, painfully slow minutes, Vernon carved faggot into my back, over and over again. He proudly rubbed in some salt to exacerbate the pain and trudged upstairs.


Dudley and his crying mother ran downstairs. Dudley got home earlier to tell his mum that his ship finally sailed. He didn't expect this. He didn't expect me to get caught. Or get this badly beaten. But what could he expect from this sadistic, pathetic excuse of a man. 

"I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you to kiss Jack and then get yourself caught. I'm so so sorry." Dudley sobbed as he took off his shirt and put it on me. Mine was torn and had basically fully fallen apart.

"It's not your fault." I smiled weakly, trying to reassure him. "I'll heal myself. Now go, I need to cook dinner." 

"I'm so sorry this happened to you Harry." Aunt Petunia wrapped me with her arms and kissed me on the forehead. 

"It's okay." I smile once more. 

They believe the smile and leave me alone to make the dinner.

A smile can hide so much pain.

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