Twenty-Two | Time

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~Harry's POV

Time has flown by since the start of the year where life changed drastically. I'll admit, I hated how fast things changed because it went against everything I stood by.

Despite that, I was overjoyed to finally feel fully cared for.

For merlin's sake I had a boyfriend again, and I didn't have to push him away. And Mione was slowly but surely helping me with my physical and mental scars.

We were sat in the Great Hall, only a few days away from the Christmas holiday. I couldn't wait to relax in the castle by myself, even if it was going to be torturously lonely.

Better than actual torture at home though.

I'm funny. Laugh.

"I'm going to the Manor for the holidays. Father requested it." Draco breaks the silence. 

Since I'm the Golden Boy, I made it so that we could all sit together, mixed houses and all. Umbitch was furious but let it happen somehow.

"What?" I spit my drink out. He'll just get hurt. He can't go back.

Pansy and Blaise give each other a look before looking at the blond. He was clearly struggling to keep everything in.

He told me that I was the first person he'd opened up to. His friends knew he didn't have home life easy, but he never actually talked about it.

"You can't. Stay with me." I demand. I'll be damned if he stays at that abusive "home" for two weeks.

"I would but-"

Draco's interrupted by the pink toad clearing her throat. "Boys and girls, listen up. I don't care where you stay for the holidays, but it is not here. Nobody will be staying in the castle."

My jaw drops and Hermione looks at me in fear.

Draco turns to face me. 

The rest of our group seems confused, but unfazed as they all had a place to stay.

Pansy was staying with Blaise, whose parents were strict but not physically abusive. They adored Pansy and honestly hoped the two would get together, not knowing the two were gayer than a rainbow.

Pansy and Blaise did, however, promise each other that if they never stood up for themselves, came out and got their own partners, they'd marry each other and live platonically in love. 

They promised not to have children if they did marry because it wouldn't be fair on their kids to have to grow up seeing their parents not in love romantically. Even if it was a healthy marriage, if love wasn't there, it could still be emotionally damaging.

Hermione was going to Australia with her parents and the Weasley's were going to go visit Charlie in Romania. 

Luna and Neville both were staying with their families and Draco was going home.

I couldn't stay with Luna or Neville- we weren't that close. Ron, Ginny and Hermione would be out of the country and I definitely couldn't stay with the Slytherins- I'm Harry Potter!

I had nowhere to go.

"Please Dumbledore, I beg you. Let me stay unnoticed in the castle. I can't go back." I pleaded to the older wizard.

"Now Harry, you must go back. Blood wards are the only reason you're still here." Dumbledore said calmly.

"Sir you don't understand-"

"I don't see anything to understand Mr Potter. You're going back to stay with the Dursley's. It's for your own good."

I was livid.

It is not for my own good. More harm happens inside that house than when I'm here. That's saying something- I literally almost die every year.

I'm surprised the wards even work.

"Sir-" I begin.

"If that's all, I must be on my way. Goodnight Harry. Have a safe trip." Dumbledore left with a smile.

Fuck him.

That was my only chance to escape Vernon. I go through enough during the summer and now I have to extend my torture for two extra weeks where I'm usually enjoying myself.

When I'm away from him, I'm happier than ever.

"So? How'd it go?" Hermione asks me when I walk back into the common room. 

"He made me fucking stay. I swear down if I die in that house this Christmas he better not come to my fucking funeral." 

I throw myself face-first into my pillow and then sigh. "Why doesn't anything go my way?"

"I'm sorry Harry. Maybe try and stay here unnoticed. Don't leave at all." Mione suggests, sitting at the end of my bed.

"I can't Mione. Magic exists here, remember? He'll find me and send me home." I turn over to see her worried face.

"Do you... do you think he knows?" Hermione whispers, as if she'd get killed for even suggesting it.

"He couldn't possibly. He adores me; he just thinks keeping me at home would keep me safe. He wouldn't do so if he knew the truth about my home life." I reason.

Maybe he does know, but the thought of someone who's put me in a place that keeps me safe for a majority of the year actually knowing what happens in the minority I'm not makes me want to overthink my entire life.

She shrugs. "I'm sorry you have to go back. Write me if you can and keep yourself out of trouble as much as you can. When we're back, I'll check you and heal you as much as I can, okay?"

I nod and turn to my side, indicating that I want to sleep. 

A light dip at the end of my bed disappears.

"Don't go." I whisper, not feeling like being alone. 

She smiles behind me and lies down right next to me. "Goodnight Harry." She kisses my forehead and turns the other way.

"Goodnight Hermione."

platonic Harmione fluff

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