Forty | Holiday

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if you lot keep commenting this book will be fully published in like two weeks


pls go read my other book too its literally a short book


~Harry's POV



"What's the time?"

I cast a tempus and Blaise gasps. "Did I spend that long talking about my anorexia?"

"It appears so. You're definitely not mad at Draco?"

He shakes his head and I smile. 

"I'll go back to him now, but just know I'm incredibly proud of you for recovering." Blaise smiles at that. "Did you ever find out who the other person is?" I double-check.

"No. I don't think I ever will. Whoever it is, doesn't want to be known."

"Fair enough."

Once I'm out of his dorm, I let out a shaky breath of relief. My demons are mine and mine only. No one else needs to be burdened with them.

"I Obliviated him."

Myrtle frowns. "At least you spoke about it."

"I know. I just-" I sigh. "He told me he was proud of me, because I subconsciously lied and said I'd recovered. I didn't mean to. But I did. And I couldn't fathom having someone be proud of me for something they shouldn't be proud of. I mean, I'm a fucking liar."

"It's not your fault Harry." She floats over to me. "You're human, you're bound to want to defend yourself. I'd do that too."

"I'm sorry I burden you with all my problems."

"Where'd that come from?"

Tears well up in my eyes for some reason, and I blink them back instantly. Crying makes you weak. Saviours don't cry. Saviours are strong. Not weak. Not criers. 

"I don't know. I guess I just felt the need to say it."

Myrtle floats her way so that she's right in front of me, and attempts to rub my shoulder reassuringly. We both frown at that, but the intention was enough. "You do not burden me. I'm a ghost sweetheart. I'd literally die a second time if I had no interesting information be told to me."

Smiling, I roll my eyes. "My fucked-up issues are interesting, and life-changing?"

She looks me up and down as if I just said two plus two is one. "Shut up."

Pouting sarcastically, I make a broken-heart gesture with my hands and she scoffs.

"You make being a dead ghost with a eternal sentence to toilet roaming more fun. It's shit for you, but it's so entertaining for me."


"You know what I mean."

"How did it go?"

Plopping down onto Draco's bed, I'm met with a fearful look from his silver eyes. It's so easy to get lost in his eyes; they must be the prettiest vision-lookers I've ever seen.

"Oi." He nudges me and I hit him gently in response. 


"How did it go, idiot?"

I open my mouth in fake-shock and pretend to be hurt. "He's not mad, but I am. No kisses for a month."

He rolls his eyes. "Good, and I don't care."

"You don't?" I frown and blink my eyes a few times.

"No." He laughs. "Anyways, I realised I needed to ask you about something and it appears I completely forgot."

Interested, I roll over onto my stomach and prop my head up using my hands. "Ask away."

He sighs, which means this might be serious. "I realised that I forgot to ask you about your holiday."

The smile I had disappeared for a split second, but because I wasn't trying to bait myself out again, I quickly smiled again. "It was alright."

"But did any... you know, happen?"

What a polite way to describe abuse.

"Just a little bit. You know what people are like on Christmas. Drinking is a must." I lie. "Of course, Vernon drank and he was a little bit violent, but it wasn't bad. I talked to him about therapy the day after and he took it into consideration. He didn't even know he was abusive."


"Blackout drunk. He doesn't, and never did, remember anything he did to me." 

"Oh." Draco simply says. "Strange. I'm glad it wasn't too bad though."

I nod. "What about you? How was Elsa?"

Draco snickers at my lovely nickname. "Elsa?"


"Well, Elsa decided it would be a wonderful idea to suggest I get the Dark Mark soon, because you were right." He chuckles sadly. "Of course Golden Boy is right. Bald and noseless is back and he's living in my fucking house. Scrumptious."

"The Dark Mark?!"

"Yes sir." Draco salutes. "So I'm gonna have to become one of them and lord knows that won't be fun. I said no. I took your advice; I fought back."

"That's my future husband." I state proudly.

He rolls his eyes. "So much for not ever. Anyways, fighting back was fantastic until my mother dearest was put in a headlock and then had a knife put at her throat by, drum roll, her sister. Mould and bald and appeared and Crucio'd the living daylight out of me and bam I'm awake a day later."

"What the fuck."

"Same. Anyways, I'll be getting the Dark Mark in summer and I forgot about the last week of the holidays because Crucio is a bitch."

This is my fault. I told him to fight back and he did, and he got hurt. By a fucking monster. And his mum was threated. "Did Elsa do anything?"

"Oh, of course. He's team hairless. He Crucio'd me till I passed out, and when I woke up he did it again, for like three days."

Tears were about to spill from my eyes and his, and so I quickly blinked them away and dried my eyes with my sleeve. "I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault love." Draco smiled, a few tears rolling down his face. "It's in my blood, right? Malfoys have to be evil gits."

"They don't."

When he realised he was crying, he did what I did to get rid of them. "Oh, and Malfoy's don't cry." He laughs sadly.

Can't believe I thought I had it bad. This poor boy.

So I did something that was for me and him.

I kissed him.

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