One | First Time

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id j like to say this is not a fix-it, so if u got an issue w that dont read. like fr there's more hurt than comfort and if u want fix it comfort everything is great happy ever after bullshit dont read this xo

please read ANY of my other fics i hate this one ty 🙏🙏🙏



tw: first person writing


For a child of such youth, he carried more emotional baggage and trauma than a war-torn soldier would. Since he was dumped at the doorstep of the devilish Dursleys, he was always told that he was unwanted, or a mistake, or that he should've died instead of...

Well they never finished that sentence. 

Petunia Dursley, sister of Lily Potter, was always so... sad around the child. He has her eyes. She would say, and look away. She could never look the boy in the eyes, in fear she'd blame him. 

Whatever happened, it wasn't his fault.

Vernon Dursley, Petunia's husband, blamed him however. The moment he appeared on their doorstep, Vernon despised the child. It had come to his attention that the baby was his sister-in-law's child, but his mother? 

Where was the young boy's mother and father? 

After he'd discovered what happened to his in-laws via some old, bearded man, Vernon knew he would hate the child even more. Instantly, Vernon blamed the innocent baby for the death of Lily and James Potter. 

That day the Dursleys were told by the tragic news, they were overcome by grief. And so, as Petunia decided never to look the boy in the eye ever again, Vernon screamed something he repeated on and on to baby Potter.


And from that day, just living was already a regret. 


"FREAK, MAKE BREAKFAST." the fat, pig-man yelled from upstairs. 

The raven-haired boy was already awake, and as he put on his spectacles, loud, thundering footsteps battered against the ceiling of his cramped room. 

He realised he'd made a grave mistake.

The petite boy raced out of the storage closet under the stairs into the kitchen faster than Barry Allen and began making the breakfast. He was rushing, and so he burnt the sausages. 

"BOY, YOU HAVE BURNT THE FUCKING SAUSAGES." Vernon roared from behind him. "Harry Potter. More like Disappointment Potter." He muttered before picking up the featherweight, six-year-old and swung him into the cupboards.

Harry winced in pain, but he was used to this.

What came next was completely unexpected. 

Vernon, for the first time, had used something other than his own body to abuse the tiny child. He quickly pressed his foot on the small body beneath him and proceeded to switch the gas on for the largest stove, putting the fire to the max. 

He put the sausages pan on top of it for a minute, crushing Harry's body a little bit more with his foot as he did so and then picked him up. 

Just throw me, please.

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