Twenty | I'm Sorry

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tw? deep shit

~Harry's POV

I slap my hand over my mouth in a feeble attempt to take back what I just said. I'm never fucking playing this game again.


I bite down on my lip so hard it begins to bleed, trying so hard to not make me say anything more than I've already said.

"Why are you trying to him expose his trauma, Theo?" Draco yells, angrily. "Violating his privacy is so wrong." He looks at me. "Stop that, you're making your lip bleed."

Reluctantly, I let go, simply because the metallic taste of blood in my mouth isn't very pleasant.

Wrong move.

"My uncle."

"More than once?" Theo quickly asks.

"Theo shut the fuck up!" Neville slaps him and Mione tries to quickly place a silencing charm, but it's too late.

"Over a hundred times."

I've said too much. I really hate this game. I really fucking hate this game.

I run out instantly and break down in the Astronomy Tower. I can't fucking believe I've just gone and exposed the most traumatic experiences of my life to a bunch of people I never planned on telling.

It was my stupid secret with my fucked up uncle, and now it's all fucking out in the open.

I never trusted Theo. That little bitch.

I understand being curious, but that was him fucking taking advantage of me. 

Fuck the fucking wizarding world, they can beat Baldy on his own. And if they can't, they can fucking blame Theodore fucking Nott.

I climb onto the ledge without thinking about anyone else but myself, adrenaline coursing through my veins.

"Stop, Harry, stop."

Quickly, I try to jump off but Hermione grabs my arm and pulls me back down. "I'm so sorry."

I shake my head furiously. "Let me fucking jump."

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Why didn't you tell me?" She holds me in her arms and I break down instantly.

"Why didn't you connect the dots?" I shout at her, still crying.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She cries. "I'm not that bright when I drink."

Her entire shirt is tear-soaked by both our tears. "I hate you so much, let me fucking jump." I try to move out of her grip, but she refuses to let go.

"I'm sorry."

"Let me go. Let me die."

"I'm sorry."

"Please, Hermione, let me fucking die." I sob. "I want to fucking go."

"I'm sorry. You can't."

"Let me go or I will Avada myself in your arms." I grit my teeth.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Avada-" She silences me and I just continue crying in her arms.

"Tell me everything, and we'll go back and you can Obliviate everyone. Including me. We'll go back to playing the game, and I won't ask you anything sexual."

"You won't remember not to."

"I will. I will. I'm sobered up because of this, I'll have some common sense." Hermione begs. She's definitely not stupid-drunk right now.

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