Thirty-Five | Artwork

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we met in detention is finished

no more breaks and cliffhangers

just constant updating every now and then

read my other book pls or ill cry thanks xo


~Harry's POV

I came back to the common room exhausted. The moment I saw my bed I dived for it, letting the healing salves fall onto my bed beneath me.

It wasn't comfortable at all.

I groaned and moved the salves into the drawers next to my bed and then got comfy, planning to sleep forever.

Quiet footsteps broke me out of my dazed comfort. Living with Vernon meant I had to always be alert. 

Quickly, I raised my wand towards the figure. It was charmed so that I couldn't AK myself. It was rather fun realising that on my way back to the dorms. I'm pretty sure it might alert Snape if I try again, so Muggle methods were my next best bet.

"Oi, relax, it's just me." A familiar voice sits down next to me.

"Oh Hermione I have so much to tell you." I lean on her. 

She smiles and casts a silencing charm around my bed. "Go ahead."

When I was done recapping what had happened, leaving out what really motivated me to push Snape out of my mind, Hermione's jaw was on the floor.

Out of respect, I also left out the memories I'd seen of Snape. I simply told her I'd seen some things I shouldn't have.

"He what?" Was all she could reply with.

I simply nod. "He knows."

"Why didn't you erase his memory or something?" 

"He's a teacher who's a death eater yet managing to be a spy for the light side too. I can't just erase his memory without him knowing."

"You defeated Voldemort four times and you're like half his age." Hermione replied. She wasn't wrong.

"I don't know." I sigh. "He's going to be nice to me from now on at least."

She sits up and I groan. Why does she always move when I'm comfortable?

"What else does he know?" 

"That I'm dating Malfoy."

Her jaw drops. "No?" 


"What'd he say?"


She tilts her head in confusion. "Really? I thought they were close."

"They are."

She hums in thought to herself for a minute. I could basically see the cogs in her head turning and the ideas forming. Hermione Jeanius Granger. 

I'm quite funny. What a good play on words. #selfappreciation 

"Go talk to Draco tomorrow. You know about his own struggles, yes?" I nod. "So maybe he's talked to Snape about it."

"I'm the only one who knows about his shit. Well, the only one he's actually spoke about it to."

"So ask him if Snape's aware, whether it be that he told him or not. If it's a yes, then Draco can talk to Snape about his recently found knowledge on your relationship." Hermione explains. "And since Draco doesn't know the full extent of your abuse, you might need to either tell Draco or ask Snape to stay silent."

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