Twenty-Six | Texting

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i wouldn't make a texting book but let's try a texting chapter

harry's got more interesting names for people in his contacts but i figured that might be confusing so just be smart and figure out who's talking by their initial

ok i did make a texting book

its finished

in honour of that, let's publish this chapter too

go check out the book 

pending | drarry - dracosfirstwife

~Harry's POV

A while back, I got Hermione to get me another muggle iPhone. 

I'd given it to Draco so that when we weren't together we could communicate quickly. It was much easier and much faster than owl mail. 

Then, because Hermione is a genius, managed to convert my wizard money into muggle money and buy a bunch more and give one to everyone in our group. Together, we both taught everyone how to use them.

Emojis were a shock to a majority of my pureblood fools.

During the holiday, at every moment possible, I'd texted my boyfriend, best friends and group chat. It was much more entertaining than staring at the ceiling in the dark and wallowing in my own misery.

Sometimes I would get into the episodes where I would sit and stare at my ceiling in the dark. I'd be too mentally drained to move, let alone pick up my phone and actually text.

It was usually after Vernon did that or just took his beatings too far and not only physically draining me, but mentally too.

However that wasn't the case right now.

Not yet.

my ferret <3



Why don't you use capital letters?

it's too extra for typing

i have them automatically turned off

I see. How do I turn them off then?

settings, general, keyboard, auto-caps off

you're finally smart

ive always been smart u prick

it appears that ginger is typing

stop calling him ginger

that's my thing

suck it up scarhead

talk on the group chat

🍺🍷 alcoholic magicians 🧙‍♂️🧙‍♀️

r: merry christmas idiots 

l: that's not very polite Ronald

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