Forty-Eight | Recap

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i feel like we need a recap of everything that's happened, since i'm trying to make this accurate -excluding my own storyline

i rewatched the fifth movie so this would be accurate 

would've read the book but i don't have it 

anyways this book moved so slow

im trying to speed it up and get to the end, which has been planned out already

the last chapter and epilogue has been in my notes long before i even started writing this book again, and a few changes had to be made.


~Harry's POV

It's been a few months since we left off, and we're nearing up to the end of fifth year. 

In the time that I've not mentioned, I created a flipping army. If we're being technical, it happened before Christmas, but I never really talked about it.

Dumbledore's Army is what it was supposed to be called, but I changed the name. I'm convinced Dumbledore is a bad person, and Hermione agreed, so we called it Black's Army, in honour of Sirius, and Narcissa's maiden name.

I've taught everyone in the Army what I knew, including Patronus' and defensive spells. Basically everything that Umbridge neglected to teach us.

Speaking of Umbridge, I've had many detentions with that rotten witch. She's given me many new scars, and honestly I don't mind.

It's funny to see her think she's done something, and to look at her face when she thinks I'm hurt.

I've not seen many people in detention with me, so it means either she picks on only me, or everyone else is too afraid to stand up to her.

The most important thing coming up is our OWLs. It was supposed to be done around the middle of June, and that's soon.

In fact, it's tomorrow.

With all that's been going on, I've forgotten about them. Even though they were the one thing that oompa-loompa focussed on.

There's a few things I might need to mention, since everyone knows my story differently.

The Inquisitorial Squad never really included The Bronze Trio- it merely had Crabbe, Goyle, and Bulstrode as it's leader, instead of Draco. 

Draco, Pansy and Blaise were part of Black's Army, but they pretended to be in Umbridge's squad to throw her off our trail.

I don't know how we got caught, but when the army was caught by Umbridge, it was called Dumbledore's, and he still got the blame.

Sometimes he's not as much of a dick as I say he is.

He has, however, disappeared for the vast majority of this year. I have no idea where he's gone, but after he almost got sent to Azkaban, he vanished completely.

No one's seen him, and I'm assuming he's gone off to do his own old-manipulative-man things. Probably some weird Voldemort shit.

During the holidays, I obviously went to Privet Drive rather than Grimmauld Place. I never considered it an option, but if I'd gotten the chance, I obviously would've gone there.

My Occlumency lessons were extremely different, and I've talked about that, so that's fine.

And I never kissed Cho Chang. I don't know who made that up, but imagine it: kissing in front of Cedric's picture? The disrespect. 

She's hot and all, but I'm pretty sure she swung the other way fully after Cedric died. I heard she's dating Daphne Greengrass, which is quite shocking, but understandable. 

Pretty women always end up with pretty women.

The reason for me and Dudley getting attacked by dementors was rather different. He took me out to the park to give me time away from Vernon. When I found out I got expelled, my heart dropped.

I've been communicating with Sirius regularly. When this year's over, and his name's hopefully cleared, he's going to adopt me. And I'll be away from Vernon.

I can't wait for the day I finally get to stand up to him.

Other than all of that, nothing really interesting happened. 

Oh, and in case you were wondering, the person who dragged me away was Draco, and I don't think I need to explain what happened after.

i thought it was obvious but then someone said snape and i was in tears

"Dudley? Dudley, my boy!" Vernon called out, and dragged my cousin off my shoulder. "What the hell have you done to him?"

"Nothing, nothing, I swear."

"I don't believe you. Petunia, get the car ready. He's going to have to be taken to hospital now." He sighed. "My poor boys gone loopy."

"Don't say that." She scolded. "He'll be okay."

The howler arrived before Vernon could say anything else. When it stated my expulsion, my stomach sank and I felt so uncomfortable.

I'm going to be stuck in this house all year.

"Justice." Vernon grinned.

Whilst Dudley was taken to the car, I sat and stared at where the howler once was. It felt like my life had fallen apart completely, and I knew that perhaps, today would be the day.

Vernon quickly popped back in. "Just wait till I get home, freak." And he left after punching the side of my head.

Getting upstairs was awful. My consciousness was seemingly fading, and my vision had gone dark.

Once in my room, I cut myself to the point I did eventually black out.

When I woke up, Vernon was screaming in my face. "This is it, boy. You're gonna be stuck with me forever. Faggot."

And so he beat the living daylights out of me, but instead of going to the cupboard, I accepted it, because I deserved it. 

He was enjoying this, and using me as a punching bag for the next few years when I should be in Hogwarts? He'll love that for sure.

And then he got undressed, so I made sure I went to the cupboard. I don't know how long he was there. Before I retreated to my mind, the sun was going down.

"This is just a taste of what you're gonna get, fag." Vernon said once he was done, kicking me in the stomach. "Just wait. You'll wish you were never born."

Oh but you see, Vernon, I already do.

I woke up a little later as the key in my door had fallen out, and I raised my wand in defence. I can't get expelled a second time, right?

The door unlocked and opened to see Aurors.

I quickly recasted my glamour the moment they arrived, and since it was too dark for them to see anything, no one noticed.

Imagine if they did.

Would things be different?

short little chapter



clearing things up and that

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