Fifty-One | Draco

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~Harry's POV

I woke up, sweaty and afraid. And tired.

I didn't mean to relive all of that. I was supposed to wake up, but I didn't. Who knows, maybe I was supposed to die in my sleep.

that's not how it works

I wish it was.

I remember that night, I tried to kill myself again. I realised that I fucked up indefinitely. There was no way he was going to spent the next month and a half not hitting me. He needed to. It was his stress reliever.

I was his stress reliever.

Magic wasn't going to save me much longer. I knew I had to be in that house, to "protect" me, because of fucking Voldemort. I couldn't leave. I was trapped there.

And Vernon knew it too.

So the next best thing was to grab all the painkillers in the house and slit my wrists. I didn't cut deep enough and I must not have taken enough paracetamol, because I woke up feeling sick.

The entire day, I simply threw up, constantly. I was excused from all housework because who wants vomit in their fish and chips? Being sick was normal for me, but it was disgusting and tiring especially as I couldn't stop.

I would sit in my bed and stare at the wall, trying to stop feeling so dizzy, and then I'd run to the bathroom again.

Subconsciously, I began to rub my wrist, the same wrist I'd attempted with every single time, earning me a strange look from the blond boy in front of me.

Hold on.

I look up to see Draco Malfoy in front of me, concerned and confused.

"What are you-" I ask. "How are you- why did you- what?"

"Something made me feel like you were up here. I didn't think I'd find you sleeping. And when you woke up, you looked so lost in your thoughts. I couldn't help but admire you." Draco admitted.

Something? Was he also starting to remember what happened up here a few months ago? 

"That's fucking creepy." 

"Were you-" he looked hesitant to finish what he was saying. "Did you have another... y'know, nightmare?"

I glared at him for a moment, and it appeared that was the answer he needed.

"It wasn't a nightmare."

"What was it then?" I could tell he was trying not to make me mad at him, and I felt bad all of a sudden.

"A flashback. Bad memory. I don't know, whatever you wanna call it." I looked away from him, and I was now scratching at my wrist.

Draco sat next to me and put his arm around my neck. "Stop doing that, you're going to irritate your skin." He separated my hands.

I could see he wanted to check.

"Sorry." I mumbled. I'd scratched the scab off a few scars for sure, and the hot crimson liquid was probably trailing down my arm.

"Can I?" He asked. 

I nodded.

Cautiously, he rolled up my sleeve, only to see a patch of red skin. He whispered the incantation to remove a glamour, and seemed a bit disappointed when nothing changed. 

He knows something's up, and that I'm hiding something. The fact that nothing happened must be confusing him right now.

"I'm sorry. For making you mad." He apologised.

"Draco?" He faced me. "I'm sorry. For getting mad. I know you only care. And I know I probably messed everything up and you probably hate me and you think I'm really annoying and-"

He cut me off by kissing me. "I don't think you're annoying, and you didn't mess everything up. I don't hate you, Potter. I love you."

My eyes widened, as did his, when he realised what he said.

Last time he said that, I Obliviated him, because I wasn't ready to reply.

The people who get close to me only get hurt, or I have to push them away. I don't want that to happen. I really do care about Draco.

In fact, I might possibly love him. But that doesn't mean I'm ready to say it, because that makes leaving a whole lot harder.

But doesn't he deserve to hear it before I do?

Draco was looking at me intently, his head turned to the side to face me, watching my inner battle between saying it back. "I'm sorry. I don't want you to say it back if you're not ready. You don't have to, I pro-"

cut him off by kissing him. "Shut up, Malfoy. I, erm, fuck why is this so hard to say, I." I took a deep breath. "I love you too. I do. I really do. You're the best boyfriend in the world and I wouldn't ask for anyone else."

Draco was smiling like a fucking idiot. "You," he kissed my forehead, "are," kiss "so" kiss "fucking" kiss "adorable." 

"You're right." I laugh. 

Draco kissed me again, but it was different. It wasn't lusty or sexual, it was love. He was kissing me softly, passionately and with love. Love.

So I figured if I was gonna leave him, and confront Vernon for everything, I might as well have one more... experience with him.

My hands trailed down his chest and I fiddled with the waistband of his trousers and he broke away from the kiss, looking at me. "Are you sure?"

The fact that he asked me if I was sure, even though we'd done it before and I was initiating it make me smile, and I nodded.

"Words, darling." 

"I want to." I whispered.

He smirked and stood up, his hand outstretched. I took it and he lifted me up, and before I knew it, I was being carried bridal style all the way down to his room.

Luckily, only a few students saw us, and since all of Hogwarts figured out we had a thing ages ago, we didn't worry.

I let part of my glamour fall, because I knew what he'd say.

"You're so beautiful, you know that?" He whispered whilst taking my shirt off. "Every single part of you."

And now I was smiling like an idiot. Even if I didn't believe him, it didn't hurt to hear.

"And as are you. You're gorgeous." I whispered back.

"I love you, Harry. So much." 

"I love you too." 

We were both fully undressed now, and I had to tear my eyes away from Draco. He really was beautiful. I was jealous, honestly.

He was perfect.

Draco was perfect.

"Scared, Potter?"

"You wish."

finished my texting book

published a chapter

200 chapters 

its rlly short tho

i have 10 chapters left to publish of pending 

so im gonna go post 5

read them

read them now.

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