Nine | Umbitch

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~Harry's POV

Harry Potter. 

The Boy Who Lived. 

The Chosen One.

The Golden Boy.

I hate being called either of those names. 

I've always hated being the centre of attention or having any fame or popularity. I never got much anyway, so I was never accustomed to it. 

I love Hogwarts. It's my safe place, my home, but it is tiring being famous. Everyone expects so much from me and I'm not capable of saving an entire Wizarding World from a Dark Lord. I would succumb to Voldemort, and let him kill me, because I truly do want to die.

But then everyone else would be left with a crazy maniac killer who is more powerful than any other wizard.

I care too much to let an entire world suffer because of my selfish longing for death. Once all of this is over, I'll just swiftly Avada Kedavra my self or jump off the astronomy tower.

There's other reasons why Hogwarts isn't so great. For starters, there's Draco Malfoy, the boy I fell for the moment we met. I was so flustered that I wasn't thinking and immediately denied his hand because he taunted my first friend at this school.

He hates me so much now. But I still love him. And I can see that underneath his cold façade, lies a broken boy who never got a choice. 

Master of telling emotions, that's me.

Master of academics, not me. It's not a surprise. With the amount of head trauma I've experienced, it's no surprise that I'm rather dumb and clearly not the brightest.

Oh and there's Professor Snape. He hates me and clearly picks on me, and for what reason? I'm not aware.

And last but not least, Umbitch- I mean Umbridge. She's now teaching at Hogwarts and I can tell something's off about her. I'm not looking forward to this year, but at least I'll finally be living with Sirius, away from my abusive "uncle".

I'll miss Aunt Petunia and Dudley, but I'll call them once I buy a phone. I have enough money to, I'm just not sure I can pay Sickles and Galleons. 

I'll find a way.

We've just had Umbridge's assembly. I already hated her because she was against me in my trial but she's just made me hate her more by working at Hogwarts.

The ministry, according to Hermione, is taking over Hogwarts. 

I'm going to be in trouble. I'm definitely going to be in trouble. Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, was ready to put me in Azkaban. If I make one wrong move I'm done for. 

Umbitch- Umbridge is a teacher's pet with Fudge, so who knows what she might do to me to please Fudge.

God that sounds wrong. 

"You alright mate?" Ron grabs my arm and I flinch slightly. It goes unnoticed, to my relief.

"Yeah. Just thinking." I reply. 

After I went shopping at Diagon Alley, Vernon beat the living daylight out of me and for the first time in my life, he raped me. I couldn't move for a solid day and I probably wouldn't have if I wasn't forced to keep doing chores in fear of being raped again.

He only started raping me because I was gay. Didn't make sense to me, to be honest, since he's homophobic but rapes a boy.

He would always say, "You like that, you fucking faggot?"

I got used to it eventually.

It got worse and worse over the summers. Since he would miss out on beating me for a whole academic year, he would beat me like his life depended on it to make up for what I missed.

I'm lucky I read a book about Charms before I left for Hogwarts in the first year. I discovered a Glamour Charm and I've been using it cover up the scars that years of abuse has given me,  and the state of my body. If anyone saw what I looked like without my glamour they would probably throw up.

What would I have done without it? Especially in the Triwizard Tournament; everyone saw my "abs" and "muscles" during the second task when I had to rescue Ron and Gabrielle.

"Harry? Harry sit down!" Hermione yells at me, snapping me out of my thoughts. 

The lesson began and we started arguing about using magic.

"There is nothing out there dear. Who do you imagine would want to hurt children like yourself?" the pink-clad bitch smiled sweetly as she spoke. 


"Oh I don't know, pff, maybe Lord Voldemort." I stated.

The sound of gasps and pens were heard in the short silence.

Umbitch- Umbridge's smile twitched for a few seconds. "Now let me make this quite plain," she said whilst walking down the rows slowly, "you have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This is a lie."

"It's not a lie!" I exclaimed, "I saw him, I fought him."

"DETENTION, Mr Potter." The ugly toad interrupted. 

Anger was seething through me. "So according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead at his own accord." 

I had a small, tiny, crush on Cedric. Seeing him die was torture for me. Knowing it was my fault for not protecting him. No one believed me either. No one but a few trusted people.

"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident." 

I was ready to hex the woman into oblivion.


"ENOUGH." She silenced the class room. "Enough. You will see me later, Mr Potter. My office." She giggled slightly.

Sounded like a pig, if you ask me.

I walked into the human-pig's office angrily. I'm lucky I can hide my emotions are control them, otherwise I would've killed the woman in a heartbeat.

I didn't expect anyone else to be there. 

But there was.

Draco fucking Malfoy.

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