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His story wasn't like the cliche romantic ones you read where all the problems, pain and hurt goes away because of someone you met.

No his was different.

He grew up in pain and learned to live with it. But then he met the most amazing friends who sometimes gave him temporary happiness.

And he met a boy. A boy who made his heart race and cheeks flush. A boy who made his emotions go crazy.

A boy who stood with him even after he discovered the broken side of him. Through everything, he stayed.

But like I said, his story was not one where everything would change because of one person.

The problems, pain and hurt never left. He knew it would never leave him. He sometimes forgot about the crushing weights on his shoulders and had his moments of peace.

But not forever.

Not until now.

There he lay, smiling on the floor in true happiness. In true freedom, in true peace. He was calm and he was free at last. After suffering his entire life he was happy.

He was finally happy.

Just happy.

He looked up one last time, at the people who kept by him through his dark, miserable life.

Hermione Granger, the girl who knew first. The girl who kept his secret and supported him to the best of her abilities. The girl who found out everything and forgot. The girl who tried to help him even if, for once, she couldn't.

Ron Weasley, the boy he had ups and downs with. The boy who, even though had his questionable moments, was the best friend he could've asked for to be with him during his troubling times at school.

Neville Longbottom, the boy who had his back during the toughest tournament of his life, even if he thought he killed him. The boy who had the kindest heart and the sweetest smile.

Ginevra Weasley, the girl who was a sister to him from the moment he knew her. The girl who kept a brave face during tough times. The girl who never showed she was afraid.

Luna Lovegood, the girl who believed him. The girl who knew what it was like to lose a parent, to witness a parent die. The girl who was just as sane as he was. The girl who was true to who she was and was never ashamed.

Blaise Zabini, the boy who kept his best friend happy. The boy who laughed and smiled and was ready to joke around if it meant it could lighten the mood. The boy who went through something terrible and survived it. The boy who stood tall.

Pansy Parkinson, the girl who kept his best friend and strongest supporter hopeful. The girl who would protect everyone who was dear to her even if it meant she would be hurt. The girl who had nightmares too. The girl who was selfless.

And him.

Draco Malfoy, the boy he loved. The boy who told him his darkest secrets and kept his too. The boy who would guide him through the darkest times and stood by him knowing it wouldn't be easy. The boy who helped him overcome his fear. The boy who never gave up on him. The boy who finally loved him, and would never stop loving him.

Harry Potter lay smiling at his best friends and his fiancé.

"I do, Draco Malfoy. I do." He whispered quietly, but in the haunting silence, it felt loud.

Tears fell from his emerald eyes as he stared into broken silver ones.

"I do, Harry Potter. I do." He returned.

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