Strange dream

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Everything was on flames, goblins were on every side that you turned to. People were screaming and running in the streets of a little village, hidden under the massive pass of Misty Mountains.

Lately this dream was coming to me more and more often and today it was even worse.

I stood there as a little girl, hiding under the table in a golden hall, watching those bloodthirsty creatures destroying everything that came to their dirty hands.
A tall handsome man with golden hair and green eyes kneeled behind me with protective arms around my little shoulders.
" Innas maer, iel nín." he spoke in elvish. Somehow I understood what he said.

I didn't say a word but watched this horrible scenery.
There was also a woman with long hair, black as raven feathers and comd blue eyes, dressed in a  simple but beautiful creme robe with a little boy just a bit older from me, hiding behind the fireplace.
" Shhhh." she put a finger on his mouth when he tried to say something.

Suddenly I heard a huge crack. The goblins broke inside the hall.
They walked to us, their huge and heavy feet stamping loudly on the marble flour.
" You must go." spoke the man.
" I will defeat them but go Nandwen, take the children to safety."
The woman didn't say anything she just whistled.

A strong brown horse with thick black hair immediately jumped in through the window of the hall and stopped in front of her.
She picked up the boy and me, laid us on horse's back and made sure that we won't fall of it.
" Noro lim Glinthad! Noro lim i
ú- cenno dad !"

" Nana no !!! " screamed the boy.
" What about you !!!???" I cried.
" Don't worry about me iel nín. This is our kingdom than I'm prepared to die for it. But you were born for greater things which are waiting for you beyound these borders."
" What things ?"
" No one knows." she lowered her voice and turned around when she heard the man gasping as a goblin stabbed him in his chest.

With tears in her eyes she spoke :
" Run Glinthad. Take them to safety. Take them to Lord Elrond, the king of elves in the mountains."

Nana - mum
Iel nín - my daughter
Noro lim Glinthad! Noro lim i  ú - cenno dad ! - Run fast Glinthad ! Run fast and don't look back !

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