All reunions

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" It's dead !" I cried happily, squeezing Bard as tight as I could." "Yeeees !" Bard screamed and we both jumped up and down in the middle of a burnt city.
" Can you imagine ? We're free !!!!!" I laughed and Bard smiled widely:
" Yes, Nathìniel. We are free."
The moment he said it, something under us cracked.
" The Bell tower. It's falling. " I realised.
" Down ! We must hurry !" Bard called and we both scuttled down the almost - destroyed stairs.

As we walked the bridge, starring at the burnt, crashed or demolated parts of the town we heard voices on the shore. Propably the survivors from the fire:
" Give me one of them. I’ll take my death in this cold!"
"Oh, find your own! You’re not in charge now!"

That is where you are wrong. In the absence of the Master the powers seethes to his deputy, which in this instance is me. Now give me that blanket !"

" Oh not again." Bard spoke up.
" What is wrong?" I asked but I got the answer when we came closer and I saw the ugly man with joined eyebrows pulling a blanket from some woman.
" Who is he ?"
" Alfrid Lickspittle. The right hand of the Master. "
" Was he always like this ?"
" Like what ? " Bard gave me a questionable look.
" Greedy, arrogant, foolish... I do not want to continue. "

" Ever since I know him, yes. Wealth and comfort changes everyone's mind. I suppose you know what I'm talking about."
" My great grandfather..." I started and remembered the moment. All of the dwarves screamed, yelled, fire was behind us. We were all running as fast as we could, when Thorin noticed that the king is not with us. We ran together. Down, down to the deepest chamber. And that is where we found him. Mountain king blinded by greed, trying to take as much gold as he could. We grabbed him by his arms and dragged away.

" Da!" a voice disturbed me. It was Tilda. Bard was already among the Lakemen with his children around him. So they made it. Oh how happy I was when I saw this lovely family all together.
Then a man stepped out of the crowd and stood beside Bard, saying that he saw the dragonslayer. Everyone cheered and laughed and that is when I remembered my brothers nd friends. I walked to Sigrid who stood further from the crowd.

" Where are Kili and Fili ? And Bofur and Oin ?"
" They've already took a ship to the Lonely mountain. " she replied emphaticly and I felt tears running into my eyes.
" They... They wanted to wait for you but..."
" But what ?" I sobbed.
" The elven prince came."
I looked into her hazel eyes and my cheeks turned bright red.
" He talked with the she-elf... Ehm... Tauriel. She said that you were on the Bell tower. He... wanted to see you. And then Fili decided to leave you here. So you could be with the prince. Leogas or what his name was..."

" Legolas !" I cried happily when I looked into his warm blue eyes. Sigrid turned behind herself and I ran into his arms, smelling his fragrance, feeling his strong chest and his lips playing with my hair.
" Gurren nín lilla mar cenion lle, meleth nín." he whispered into my ear. I giggled and gave him a small kiss on his cheek:

" Ban lín galen mar gwannenach."
He smiled and closed my lips into his, gently placing his hand on my back. I leaned forward and fell into the lovely poem of Legolas' love.
" You won't leave me again, right ?"
" No meleth nín. We will go together now."
" Where ? Wait.. Why ? Did you tracked down the orc ?"
" Yes. And I know who he is. Bolg, the spawn of Azog the Defiler."

My eyes widened. If Azog's fingers are in this it will be no easy game.
" A Wargpack was waiting for him on the outskirts of Esgorath. They fled into the north. These Orcs were different from the others, they bore a mark I had not seen for a long time."
" What mark ?" I asked scaredly.
"The mark of Gundabad."
" An Orc stronghold in the far north of the Misty Mountains. Where your mother died." I said, my heart beating fast.
" Yes. There it lies." Legolas nodded and turned around for we both noticed an elf on a horse behind us.

„Hîr nín, Legolas. Celin ’winiath o adar lín. Cân i hi danwenidh na le." he spoke with quite a serious face. I looked at Legolas and he smiled:
„Tolo an nin Nathìniel.”
„ My lord. Strangers are forbidden to enter the realm of your father now.
" Forbidden ? I don't like the sound of this. Tauriel !"
Tauriel smiled and came to us.
" Please, would you go to Mirkwood and ask my father if..."
" My lord, Tauriel is banished." the elf interrupted Legolas.
" Than you may tell my father if there is no place for Nathìniel, there is no place for me. And Tauriel will stay with us."

"Legolas, it is your King’s command." I whispered.
" You can't deny your father's law for me."
" He is my King, but he cannot command my heart and take what is dear to me." Legolas spoke and smiled at both me and Tauriel.
"I ride north. Will you come with me?"
"To where?" asked Tauriel
"  To Gundabad." I answered and soon I was on a horse with Legolas, Tauriel next to us on another one.

Gurren nín lilla mar cenion lle, meleth nín. - My heart dances when I see you, my love.

Ban lín galen mar gwannenach. - Your beauty grew after you left.

Hîr nín, Legolas. Celin ’winiath o adar lín. Cân i hi danwenidh na e. - My lord Legolas, I bring word from your father. The command of his is that you are to return to him.

Tolo an nin Nathìniel. - Come with me Nathìniel.

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