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" Thorin..." I walked closer to him. Three years passed since the last time I saw him. Something was different about him now. He looked stronger, more majestic and royal. I would say he was also happier.
" Saying that I missed you would be too harsh." he smiled and pulled me into a strong hug. His big arms tightened around my waist. He could seem majestic but still he was shorter than me.
" You are late." I looked at his worried eyes.
He immediately turned to Gandalf:
" You said it is easy to find. Howewer I lost my way. Twice.
" So did your nephews and niece." Gandalf looked to me. How did he know ?
" I wouldn't find it at all if there wasn't the mark on the door." continued Thorin.
Bilbo looked completely surprised:
" Mark ? What mark ? I did not... There can't be..."
" I scratched the mark on the door." Gandalf stopped him which annoyed him a bit.
After a short silence Gandalf spoke again:

" Allow me to introduce the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield."
Thorin examined Bilbo, his arms crossed at his chest.
" So, this is the hobbit. Tell me, Mr. Baggins, have you ever fought ?"
Bilbo acted like he misheard him. Thorin just couldn't give up:
" Axe or sword, maybe a bow... what's your weapon of choice?"
" Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know." Bilbo answered. Guessing from Thorin's gaze, this was a bad answer.

" I thought as much. He looks more like a grocer than a burglar." he said. The dwarves burst into a laugh. I kept Bilbo closer to me. They shouldn't treat him like this. Not all heroes wear armours still they hearts can be braver then any others.


I brought Thorin a plate with cheese, grapes, freshly baked bread with butter and roast meat. Sure he was hungry from all the way here.
He smiled for a thank you and I sat next to him, listening to Balin.

"What news from the Ered Luin? Did they all come?"
"Envoys from all seven kingdoms." answered Thorin and took a sip of beer from a tanker.

What did they say ? Will Dain help us ?" I asked.
" They will not come flr they say this quest is ours, and ours alone."

No. This can't be it. We can't fight a dragon from the North by ourselves when we are fourteen ! Alright we have Bilbo and the wizard but still...

"You're doing a quest?" a surprised voice asked. Bilbo. The poor hobbit didn't even know what we are up to.
" Bilbo, my dear fellow, " spoke Gandalf
" Let us have a little more light."
And he opened an old map. The one I knew so well for it was the map of Lonely mountain. Our lost kingdom.

The Hobbit - FINALLY FOUND [ Legolas Love Story ] Where stories live. Discover now