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So we were here. Walking through the shadows of the great forest. It was just few hours since Gandalf left us, but I already forgot how does the sun shine, how does the water taste or how great is the feeling, when your head is not aching and the voices echoing in it like crazy. I heard someone approaching me, Fili's steps was thr only thing that sounded in my head.

" Thank you for standing up for me back there." I tried to talk, but my tongue got stuck between my teeth.
" That's what brothers are for. Besides, you are the greatest leader." smiled Fili, weakly standing on his feet and dancing side to side.
" Well... I think I'm going to fall apart soon..." I stretched my leg to continue walking.

"Keep moving !" shouted Thorin in front of us.
But I couldnt move. The path we walked dissappeared !
" Nathìniel , why have you stopped?"
" The path ! It's gone !!!"
"What’s going on?" Fili asked me, looking drunk.
"We’ve lost the path." I told him.
"Find it. All of you, look!" Thorin cried.

" We must look for the path !!!!!! Although... I don't even no if there still is one..."
" It’s got to be here." Dori kept searching.
"What hour is it?" I asked, almost on my knees.
" I don’t know, I don’t even know what day it is." Dwalin passed by.

"There is  no end to this accursed forest!" Thorin started to get angry.
" It is her fault !" Gloin grumped.
" She got us lost exactly as we have said !" Oin joined him.
I would have said something but I couldn't move my lips, my feet walked without energy, my heart was pounding and the pain in my head got stronger and stronger

" Nathìniel we are walking in circles ! I have to admite, you got us lost !" Bilbo's voice spoke behind me.
"We are not lost. We keep heading east." Thorin argued.
"But which way is the east? We’ve lost the sun!" lamented Dwalin.
Soon the dwarves started arguing about our way.

If only Gandalf would have stayed with us... None of this would happen... If only I would have not leave Rivendell... If only... I stopped. My knees broke and I fell on the wet forest ground. Unconscious.


" No mather who you are, you will always me my sister."

" It is a pleasure for us to call you one of Durin's people Nathìniel."

" Once all of this will be done I promise you this picture will hang on my wall in a beautiful frame of gold."

" You don't need to be afraid when I'm with you sister."

" Amin rithand radion lle muinthel nín. Ú - gohenathon im cí im dar."

"You're like a star that makes me smile, a butterfly that brushes my heart but also a lion that leads his army into a war."

" Laew idhrinnath cestallion lle."

" You don't know how much you mean to me."

"Enjoy little moments Nathìniel, only they can bring the beauty to the world."

"Friendship is also a love. Perhaps even deeper one."

" I......... I can't loose you Nathíniel. I know it's selfish of me but I can't. I really can't."

" Nathíniel, if everyone would have as big heart as yours is, the world as we know it would be just a fairytale."

All of these memories echoed in my head until I finally woke up. Chattering of teeth, whispering voices, walking of many legs were the first noises I heard when I woke up. And then I felt it. Something sticky wrapping around me, closing my eyes, stopping me from breathing. There was only one thing that could do this. One that I've always fould scarier than anything. Spiders.

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