Fair settlement

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" When Sigrid told me that you left for the the mountain I was down. But it all flew away when I saw my fiancee."
" Wait." Bilbo interrupted me. " I didn't see you for... Um... Two weeks and you dound yourself a man and even got engaged ? How... How's that possible ?"
" Well, I met him earlier. He is Legolas, prince of Mirkwood. Mirkwood is where I met him."
" Of course that makes sense." giggled Bilbo.

" Then we reunited in Lake town and parted again for he had to ride north. He suspected that the armies of orcs are gathered there. And he was right. When he got back we rode together. One night during our journey he proposed me but the same night I had a dream in which my brother- Lindir appeared."
I stopped for a second and looked at Bilbo. He was listening carefully, without breathing, hunger for information in his eyes.

" Lindir told me what is happening here. About the war and Thorin's greed. With orcs attacking from north it is useless to fight against the wood elves when they're our enemy's enemy. When I woke up I took my love's horse and rode here. My time has come to do what I was born for, Bilbo.
" What are you planning to do?"
" Join the army of King Thranduil."

" You must be joking ! You can't betray Thorin like that !"
" Oh shut your mouth. You were to give him the birthright of our people."
" But that is not a betrayal. I wanted to help him."
" And so do I. But difficult situations require difficult solution. I do not know what I'll do on battlefield in the elvish army. But what I know is that I won't let my beloved fail not our kingdom fall." I finished and my eyes met someone else's it weren't Bilbo's young cosy hazel eyes, dreaming about the old armchair and warm hearth.

These ones were older but sharp, kind blue, believing that everything will be alright although they were worried, wrinkled by time and battles they faced.
" Gandalf !"
" My dear Nathíniel." he smiled and hugged me tightly.
" I haven't seen you since... Since you left us to go through Mirkwood alone ! Where did you go ?"
" I had to ride south. And it seems that Radagast was right."
" The Necromancer Gandalf. He summoned the orcs that are on their way here."
" You have to stop this madness, muin nín."
" I know. That is why I must talk to king Thranduil."

" Go on. He's inside the tent with some Laketown man..."
" Bard !" I laughed and ran into his arms. He embarced me strongly, petting my back.
" You can't even imagine how scared I was !" he put his hands on my cheeks:
" Where were you ? It's been four days !"
" I had some bussiness..." I started with a small smile but a deep voice interrupted me :

" Who is this woman, Bard ?"
" I'm no woman." I said and put half of my hair behind my left ear so it could be visible that it was pointy.
" I'm sorry, I didn't know..." Thranduil apologized.
"Could you excuse us please ?" I gave Bard a begging look.
"Right, of course." he smiled a bit unsure and walked out of the tent.
I watched him for a while and absolutely forgot what I came here for.

Only when Thranduil's cold breath licked my hair a turned with a frightened face and a pounding heart.
" My lord..." I started, quiet as a mouse. Or should I say, as usually ?
" Who are you?"
" I'm.." should I tell him ? No... He won't allow it. But after all he will be my father in law I must tell him.
His cold blue eyes pierced my soul. They were the same as those I fell in love with. Just a bit bigger.
" I am Nathíniel, princess of Dhollenbann and I am..." his eyes widened.
" Fiancée of your son, Legolas."
" You live !"
" What... What do you mean, my lord ?" I starred at him, with no idea what he was talking about. He thought I died ? Why ? That doesn't make sense.

" I knew your parents. They were mine and my wife's dear friends. Your father was a great king. Strong, wise, a good warrior and protector, but also the kindest elf I've ever known. Always placing others in front of himself, willing to sacrifice the last thing he had so everyone could be safe and loved.
And your mother... She was beautiful beyond measure, of course I cannot compare her to my wife, but she was the loveliest queen except her to ever live in Middleearth.
Us and your parents, we helped each other in orc attacks, supplied each other with food and clothing when the times were hard and you and Legolas... Were always together.

We knew you will become lovers one day. You couldn't be torn apart even by four pairs of adults' hands."
" But what happened ?" I asked with curiosity.
" When your parents died, you and your brother were nowhere to be found."
" He was... Well we were raised in Rivendell by our uncle Elrond."
" That is what we didn't know. We suffered gravely from the loss and didn't want our son to go through the same thing. So we thought it would be better if he forgot. But after all those years he found you."
" And I found him." I smiled with tears of joy in my eyes.

" Meleth túvie I râd." he brushed my cheek as if it was something precious and expensive.
" Estelion sui."
" Anírenon e glass. Si e gar lle, Im daven leddia."
" Amman anírach leddia, ada ?" I asked a bit sadly.
" Melithon e. A dewon e. Bereth nín."
" Chenithon. Meleth can ammen an tol an sadeth haeronath."

" Tell me why are you here. And where is Legolas?"
And now all confidence left me. I can't tell him the truth. I hate to lie. I never lie. But I can't do this to him. To Thorin.
" He is on his way, he went to find Tauriel so I rode straight here. I want to join your army."
" Are you sure ? I would never..."
" I know I don't look like it but I am a warrior. And I came to fight."
" What is your weapon of choice?"
" Bow and arrows and long fighting knives. But I am also skilled pretty good with sword, although I do not own any.

" Elirion!" he called and a young, cinnamon haired elf entered the tent.
" Find this lady a proper armour. And bow. That one looks like a dwarvish craft."
" Yes my lord." said the elf and showed me to follow him.
" Fuin vaer, iel nín. Harthon garethich elei velui." he smiled and I left the tent both happy about doing what I was supposed to and terrified what awaits me.

Fuin vaer, iel nín. Harthon garethich elei velui. = Good night my daughter. I hope you will have sweet dreams.

Meleth túvie I râd. - Love always find a path

Estelion sui. - I hope so.

Anírenon e glass. Si e gar lle, Im daven leddia. - I wanted him to be happy. No that he has you, I can leave.

" Amman anírach leddia, ada ? = Why do you want to leave, dad ?

Melithon e. A dewon e. Bereth nín. = I love her. And I miss her. My queen.

Chenithon. Meleth can ammen an tol an sadeth haeronath. - I understand. Love calls us to distant places.

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