Meleth o cuil nín

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My arms were wrapped around his waist, it suprised me how his body, so slender and lithe could be so strong and large when I was sitting behind him. Suddenly I felt so small, like a child on mother's lap. Unable to do anything for I was stuck in love. I never felt so safe before as I felt now. Even his back, elbows, neck and shoulders seemed attractive for me. His hair, the blonde scarf knitted from silk strings blew in the wind, whispering the poem of winter that was to come. I could hear his heart beating, his breath calling into the depth of a stary night. It was so romantic and full of hope and happiness even when we rode to the ancient kingdom of darkness.

" Darthatha rû an îdh, meleth nín. Le penorven ?"
I shook my head and smiled.
" Saeb ?"
" Im maer, ú- boe lasta al mad mar Im an lle. Ach e maer an ammen mar darthatha. I fuin bain, i giliath síla..."
" Garrich i naw daer, meleth nìn." he smiled and stopped the horse.
Tauriel did it as well and we started a small fire under old pine trees.


I gazed at the stars, noticing the beautiful shapes they were making as they glittered on the carpet of navy night sky.
I was cold, very cold, but as much I didn't want Legolas to worry I stayed quiet with my hands near the fire. It was the beggining of December, almost half a year passed since I saw Lindir. Everyday I missed him more and more. It just seemed stranged after the hundred years we didn't see each other.

" Dreaming again, meleth nín ?" asked Legolas, putting his strong arms around me. It was so warm there, next to him.
" No, just thinking. " I smiled and leaned my head into his lap. Softly brushing the side of my face that was uncovered he started whistling. I cuddled closer to him and before I got to close my eyes I saw a figure on a tree opposite us waving. I strenghtened my gaze and realised that it was Tauriel. She winked and hide behind needles of the old spruce.
She propably wanted to leave us alone. I just wondered... Why?

May it be an evening star
Shines down upon you
May it be when darkness falls
Your heart will be true
You walk a lonely road
Oh, how far you are from home

Mornië utúlië
Believe and you will find your way
Mornië alantië
A promise lives within you now

May it be the shadow's call
Will fly away
May it be your journey on
To light the day
When the night is overcome
You may rise to find the sun

Mornië utúlië
Believe and you will find your way
Mornië alantië
A promise lives within you now

I wanted to fall asleep but his blue eyes were piercing my heart.
" It was beautiful meleth nín. You are the most wonderful singer I've ever heard. And trust me, my parents were descendants of the Vanyar and Noldor." I giggled and kissed him passionately. Who could have say that it can warm you up so hard. I looked into his eyes. He smiled and slammed his lios back on mine, grabbing my arms so I fell down on his chest.
" Meleth nín..." I tried to say something but I couldn't I was too happy and in love.

Legolas' POV

Oh how perfect she was. Her white hands were holding mine tightly, I looked into her moss green eyes. Just one look and you knew how much Nathìniel loved the forest. Her face was white as snow but her cheeks burned with red as did her lips. She had the sweetest smile and the most wonderful face of all. The cheekbones, the chin, nose... All so lovely. And her body... Indescribable. Her hair... It was so thick and wavy, shining in all shades of gold and brown. There were so many things on her I've never noticed before and I beginner to understand that I should do it now. I should ask her. If she'd agree I will have all my life  to stare at her and to love her.
I reached for the box.

Nathìniel's POV

And then it happened. He took a small  box in velvet  out of his pocket and opened it before me with the sweetest words you could possibly imagine:
" Is it too soon to call you meleth o cuil nín ?"
I didn't know what to say. I froze amazed at his kindness and beauty and perfectness and humilty and love and... Him.
I just starred at the golden ring with adamants shaped into a rose star without words.

 I just starred at the golden ring with adamants shaped into a rose star without words

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" I'm sorry I shouldn't..." he started with sad voice. Then I finally got to speak:
" I have called you the love of my life when I first saw you."
He smiled and tears filled his eyes.
Crying in happiness I threw my arms around his neck and laughed through tears:
" There is nothing more I could wish for then sharing my life with you. Orthach 'uren nín mar  tirach enni."
" Nin lithiach. Hin lín... E sui i taur, taur o  leavin hwiniol, o angol a echor. Melion lle. Meliathon lle anuir." he whispered and kissed me again, slowly, softly and sweetly. But now as my fiancé. The man that will soon become mine and will stay mine till the end of the world.

Darthatha rû an îdh, meleth nín. Le penorven ? - We'll stop here for rest my love. Are you tired ?

Saeb ? - Hungry

Im maer, ú- boe lasta al mad mar Im an lle. Ach e maer an ammen mar darthatha. I fuin bain, i giliath síla... - I am alright. I don't need to sleep nor eat when I' m with you. But it would be good for us to stop. The night is beautiful, stars are shining...

Garrich i naw daer, meleth nìn - You have a great idea my love.

meleth o cuil nín - love of my life

Orthach 'uren nín mar  tirach enni. - You lift up my heart when you look at me.

Nin lithiach. Hin lín... E sui i taur, taur o  leavin hwiniol, o angol a echor. Melion lle. Meliathon lle anuir. - You enchant me. Your eyes
... They are like forest, a forest of fantastic animals, magic an enchantment. I love you. I will love you forever

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