Prince of the Woodland realm

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I didn't really care for who it was. I just sat in the warmest corner of the cell with my sketchbook, drawing the Man. The one with those mysterious blue eyes. I could stare at them for hours. And the silk white hair... If I could just touch it for a second..
Too big, I thought when I started a line, shaping his nose and erased it.

My silent drawing allowed me to hear voices, soft and gentle. One of them was very familiar to me, but the other was absolutely unknown.
"I have walked there sometimes, beyond the forest and up into the night. I have seen the world fall away and the white light forever fill the air." said the voice of a young woman. Propably one of the elven guards.

"I saw a fire moon once. It rose over the pass near Dunland. Huge! Red and gold it was, it filled the sky. " spoke the other. It was Kili. I was with him when the firemoon shone on the black sky. I still remember the merchants from Blue mountains selling silver forks and spoons.

When I looked up, I saw the blonde elf, standing in front of my cell, starring at the two, somehow sad and somehow jealous. I knew this look, although I never felt like that.
" You love her, don't you ?" I asked.
He turned to me but he did not answer. Instead of it he gave me another question:
" What is it ?"
" What is what ?" I glared at his perfect face. The light features...

" The picture you're drawing."
" It's nothing."
" Please, show it to me." he begged.
I scaredly gave him the sketchbook, blushing deeply. I've never felt so embarassed in all my life.
" It's me... " he took it.
After a while he gave it back and asked:
" You're not a dwarf right?"
" Why do you think so ?"
" Well... The height tells everything, and besides... Dwarves aren't so beautiful."

That moment my eyes met with his and my cheeks turned bright red.
" Thank you, I..."
" Who taught you to draw like this ?" he interrupted me.
" I learned it by myself. Howewer the talent comes from my father."
" He must be a great artist."
" He was..."
" I'm sorry. I lost my mother too."
" What happened to her ?"

" She died in the battle of Mount Gundabad. She was not amongst the warriors as my father, she only sat in a tent on the battle field. The orcs attacked the tent and she was never seen again, nor the women that accompanied her." he sadly looked into my eyes.
" At least you have your father." I smiled and brushed his hand from behind the bars.
" And you your mother."

" She died too. By the sword of Goblin king."
" I hate those creatures."
" We used to live in peace until they came. They slained our people, burned down the village, murdered mu parents... Only me and my brother escaped. He was protected by my uncle in Imladris, but I was raised by dwarves." I smiled weakly.

" It must have been terrible."
" No, actually it was lovely. And still it is. They are very kind and generous, patient and caring, loyal and very trustworthy."
He gave me a surprised look.
" I think it is fault of Thranduil that they are described as gold addicted, selfish and stubborn and introverted. If he would help us that day, we would not close our gates before anyone."

" He should help that day, really..." he gazed at the wall behind me and than I realized it...
" You are Legolas, prince of the Woodland realm."
He smiled and put his hand into his pocket.
" This belongs to you if I'm not mistaken, princess of Dhollenbann." he gave me back my necklace.

" How did you.. "
" The legend of Nandwen and her love for stars is very known among the elves of Mirkwood. This pendant is an ancient relic, mentioned in dozens stories."
" Is it ?" I asked.
He winked and put the necklace around my neck through the bars.
We starred at each other for a while, our hands intertvining the bars.

" Do you love her ?" I asked again.
" I used to, but now I'm not so sure." he replied and let his hands of mine, slowly walking away.
" Legolas wait !" I called.
He returned and I gave him the portrait of him, signed with my name.
" Nathìniel." he looked up." Man i eneth bain."
" Hannon lle. Mal ú- bainon an Legolas." I blushed.

He was on his way to walk away but suddenly he stopped and turned to me again.
" Would you like to see something ?"
" Of course!" I giggled and he opened the cells.
" Follow me."


We arrived into a clearing, surrounded by tall thin trees of emerald green and thick bushes. In the middle was a table with food and drinks of all kinds and a huge number of elves stood around it. It was wonderful, but I spotted the true beauty just when I looked at the stars. Millions of them shining brightly on a velvet carpet of night, creating endless pattern of different shapes, spirales, flowers and lines.

" Man pedditich ?" he asked after a while.
" Ú- cennion I bannath mi cuil nín." I starred at the sky, without hearing him whispering:
" You propably haven't seen yourself."

Legolas' POV:

I couldn't stop looking into her green eyes. They were so beautiful, glittering as forest lake, full of joy and love. Perfect waves of her cinnamon hair fell down her shoulders, reflecting stripes of blonde, ginger and dark brown. Could she be the one ? What if I didn't even love Tauriel ? What if my heart belongs to this elleth. What if Nathìniel is the love of my life ?

Nathìniel's POV

I could stay here forever, with him with the stars. But I was interrupted by a horn.

" They're running away, my lord !" an elven guard told Legolas.
" Shut the gate ! They can't escape !" cried Legolas.
" Stay here, Nathìniel." he put his hand on my shoulder and ran away.
Stay here while my brothers are escaping the Mirkwood dungeons ? Sorry but no.

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