Union of the two kingdoms

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The day came. Today I was to become a queen. The queen of Erebor. And not just that. Since after this coronation we have been planning our wedding, I, as Legolas' wife was also going to be crowned the future queen of Mirkwood.
I slowly opened my eyes, surprised that I saw a small figure of a dwarf sleeping on the floor next to my bed.
" Bofur ?" I giggled and he immediately woke up.
" Hey, Nathíniel !" he smiled, his face still looked tired.
" What are you doing in my bedroom ? " I asked laughing.
" What ?" he looked around and only after quite a moment he really woke up from his inner sleep.
" Well that is a long story..." he snickered.
" I wouldn't be surprised if I found Legolas here. But how did you come with this idea ?" I couldn't stop laughing.
" Well yesterday, after everything that happened you were very sad."
" I looked at Bofur and a single tear ran down my cheek."
" So Balin proclaimed that one of us should go and look after you."
" You call this looking after ?" I raised an eyebrow at him, examining his sleepy position.
" Well... Not exactly but... Back to yesterday. We couldn't send the elf. We had known him for like, ehm
... Three hours. Be wasn't even at the funeral. So, this special council of the company of dwarves, " Bofur touched his heart when he talked these big words and he looked everything but not seriuous. Actually he was funnier than before.
" Decided to send me, as your qualified best friend. " he ended with a pride smile.
" Qualified best friend." I repeated, chuckling softly.
" It's true, really."
" I know it is. And I'm really thankful for all of you." I smiled and embraced him.
Bofur wrapped his arms around me. He has always been my best friend. But he will never replace in my heart the brothers I've lost.

Then I heard a knock on the door.
" Come in !" Both of us called.
"Legolas how are you...! Eeeeh
" Nathíniel who's there ?" Legolas' scared voice spoke.
" Eeeeeeh..." This was embarassing.
" Your what ?" insisted Legolas with a trembling voice.
" Qualified best friend." I smiled brightly and Legolas opened the door. When he saw Bofur he just laughed revieled and threw his arms around me picking me up into the air and twisted me so fast that my skirt twirled in the air.
" Aur vaer meleth nín." he spoke and smiled warmly.
" Lostenach vaer ? Fuin hin orthoran i coth." I smiled.
" Lostenon bain. An olthannenonn o  lle." He placed a soft kiss on my cheek.
"Goheno nín, elin nín."
"For leaving you. But I had to run after Tauriel. I couldn't let her hurt herself or even something worse."
"You did what every, qualified best friend," I smiled but realised that Bofur has already left us alone.
"And I am proud of you Legolas." I finished the sentence."
" Oh nah nah my dear. I am proud of YOU. You fought the whole battle absolutely alone, you aligned armies of dwarves and elves! Who would ever think of it being possible!"
"My parents perhaps." I smiled.
"Except them." Legolas laughed." Father talked about you all the time when we were in Mirkwood."
"How so?" that phrase woke up my interest.
"He still can't believe that the new queen of Mirkwood is going to be such a wise, noble, brave and fierce woman and at the same time a kind, gentle, quiet and dreamy fairy as you are." Legolas brushed my cheek and it immediately turned red.
"Oh stop, I'll melt meleth nín."
" I already have." he grinned and I gave him a small kiss on his cheek.
"Ada should be somewhere under the Lonely mountain. He will soon be here."
"Lindir and Elrond are on their way too. I cannot wait to see them again. And of course... I cannot wait to be your wife."
"And queen."
"I'm not really excited for that. It's more a neccessity than sonething I would be excited about."
"I understand. Responsibilties, duties."
"Not just that. Thorin would be a much better ruler than I am."
"Oh shh. Don't think about it meleth nín." Legolas gentle placed his finger on my mouth and touched my hand.
"Thorin would be absolutely proud of you now."
"When you say so..." I smiled


I was walking towards the throne. Black dress lemmed with flowers and lace with a silk skirt waved behind me. I approached Thranduil and Balin. Behind them stood all the well known friendly faces. Bofur,Bifur, Bombur,Dwalin Ori, Nori, Dori, Oin, Gloin, little Gimli, Lindir, Elrond, Bard, Sigrid, Tilda, Bain, Bilbo, Beorn and even Tauriel. I did not listen to all the phrases and words they were saying. I only kneeled down, admiring thd crown of iron, forged deep in blue mountains and overgrown with beech leaves of Mirkwood. Thranduil held the left side, Balin the right and accompanied by excited looks I felt the crown softly touching my head.

I stood up and smiled softly, but with giant tears in my eyes. I shouldn't stabd here. But I'll do everything to be at least a reason for those who should have stood here to be proud.
Everything around me was blurred. I only heard the one sentence echoing in the vast halls of Erebor.


I quietly started singing and with every verse more and more dwarves joined me:

The world was young, the mountains green
No stain yet on the Moon was seen
No words were laid on stream or stone
When Durin woke and walked alone

He named the nameless hills and dells
He drank from yet untasted wells
He stooped and looked in Mirrormere
And saw a crown of stars appear

As gems upon a silver thread
Above the shadow of his head
The world is grey, the mountains old
The forge's fire is ashen-cold
No harp is wrung, no hammer falls
The darkness dwells in Durin's halls

The shadow lies upon his tomb
In Moria, in Khazad-dûm
But still the sunken stars appear
In dark and windless Mirrormere

There lies his crown in water deep
Til' Durin wakes again from sleep

" Aur vaer meleth nín." - Good morning my love
" Lostenach vaer ? orthoran i coth."  Did you sleep well?
" Lostenon bain. An olthannenonn o  lle."  I slept very good. When I dreamed about you.
"Goheno nín, elin nín. Forgive me my star
"Amman?" Why?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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