Late night

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We stopped for rets on the mountain side. It was already night and sky was dark, covered with dense clouds of black.
After Fili's and Kili's incident with orcs, ( They thaught it was funny but Thorin immediately stopped their laugh ).

Thorin stood on the edge of a cliff, looking at the horizon.
I decided to talk to him, although he seemed like he wanted to be alone.

" It's pity that the stars aren't shining." I walked to him and gazed at the little silhoutte of hobbitton behind the fields.
" Just because we can't see them, it doesn't mean they do not shine." Thorin smiled and looked at me.
Those dashing blue eyes... They just showed every thought, every emotion, every feeling of his.

" Are you excited ? For the gold, treasures, for being a king again..."
" Who wouldn't be ? It just seems like our " burglar" cannot do anything but sit in his armchair.

" Don't underestimate him Thorin. I know he doesn't look like that but something in him... It's so special... I just felt it in that second." I gazed at his face, cold and strong as stone but when he smiled it suddenly looked warm and kind.
" Give him a chance. As you gave me..."

Thorin's eyes widened:
" How do you..."
" I know I'm an elf, but tell me, why did you keep me ?"
He didn't say a word. Propably he wanted to but he couldn't.
" I just felt it. Something special in you..." he finally spoke.

" I'm sorry... I.. I know that you parents may be alive and all of that but..."
" No. Actually I wanted to say thank you."
Thorin gave me a surprised look.
" I couldn't imagine having more caring uncle and lovelier brothers."

" It is a pleasure for us to call you one of Durin's people Nathìniel." he placed his arm on my shoulder.
" It is mine to be one." I hugged him. We stood there for a while, cold wind blowing.

When we finally joined others, Balin was telling Bilbo the story of Moria battle. I heard it so many times and it still made me both angry and proud.

Angry of the orcs, disgusting creatures desiring only death and pain of others, they're bloody faces and arms which murdered so many people.

And proud of Thorin, who was so brave that he defeated the scariest of them all- Azog the defiler, by using just a shield from broken oak tree. He save the line of our people then while I was safe in Ered Luin with my brothers.

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