Truth brings pain

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So, let's say that we entered a house of someone ( something ) that almost killed us, without an invitation and without even knocking on the door. Which kind of reminds me of the first evening I met Bilbo.

We were told that this man is called Beorn and he's skinchanger. I've never heard if such people, but something on the word seemed so familiar. Gandalf said that he can change from the black bear we saw into a great strong man. I must say that I was a bit worried when he said that host may be kind but he's not overfond of dwarves. I wonder what does he think of elves...


I sat on a bench at the courtyard. Sun was shining and the air was fresh. Who would say that war is in progress just a few steps away.
Suddenly I saw a group of tall strong men with hairy face and muscular bodies walking the stairs. Without saying anything they entered the great hall and I never saw them again.

I shook the memory of and gazed at the night sky out of a small window above the grass pile I will sleep on. There in the distance he is. My dear brother. I left him, alone, dissapointed, weak. What did I do ?? I burried my face into my hands and starred into the darkness for a while.

" Can't sleep?" a soft voice spoke.
" No... I... Yes... Yes I can't." I smiled at Fili who sat next to me.
" Me neither. It's a strange feeling to sleep in a stranger's house when he's not even here."
" Yes, very strange..." I gazed at the stars .
" Do you feel better ? Now, when you... Know everything ?"
" Well... Perhaps it would be better if I wouldn't know at all, Fili." I leaned my head against his shoulder.

He stroke his fingers through my hair and pulled me closer to him.
" Truth brings sudden pain, but lies make the false feeling that everything is alright while slowly killing us. " he said, starring at me with his big blue eyes.
" Fili... I..." tears filled my eyes.
" Shhhh... It's alright.."
And it was. In his embrace I was safe and loved. I was with beloved brother and there was nothing that could take him from me.

" I don't know how to thank you. "
I whispered.
" You don't need to."
" Fili, if anyone would have such caring brothers as I have, the world would be a much different place." I gazed at him with wet eyes.
" Nathíniel, if everyone would have as big heart as yours is, the world as we know it would be just a fairytale." Fili smiled and pulled me into a strong hug.

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