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She was dressed in a beautiful gown of grey and white, a silver crown was laid on her endless golden hair, wavy as stormy sea. Her beautiful face shined in the moonlight, her deep blue eyes which saw so much sorrow and death has lived for ages. Still she had a smile on her face.

" Grandmother..." I approached.
She turned to me, in peace and glory, the mightest of all elves.
" My child..." tears filled her eyes as she was brushing my cheek.
" Laew idhrinnath cestallenion lle." she smiled.
" Im sí si." I replied.

" You have your father's eyes."
It must hurt her. Seeing a picture of her son although it is not him anymore.
" And you used to have his hair. I remember when I first saw you, it shined as gold." she said and stroke her fingers through my cinnamon hair.
" But it faded."
" It isn't the hair where we keep the light, mam nín."
" No it is not." she spoke, her voice was deep but calm and peaceful as a song.

" You know what you must do Nathìniel right ?"
" Yes, but..."
" There is only one person the two folks will answer to and that's you."
" But mam I can't ! I'm scared of buying fruits and market by myself !"
" You were born to do great things.
La maethor veleg a gornui." she complimented me.

" You don't know him ! You don't know Thranduil Oropherion ! He's selfish and cold as ice, he is the reason why Erebor fell, for he was the one who turned his back to us! How am I, a lowly dwarf- elven maid supposed to convince him ?"
" You are no lowly dwarf-elven maid my child, you are the princess of Dhollenbann, descendant of the Noldor."

" But Thorin he..."
" Is your king. You are also one of Durin's children, the heir to the throne of Erebor. You have a brave heart Nathíniel."
I blushed and looked at my feet. She lifted up my chin and smiled:
" And it is not just the treasure you will find on this journey." she winked.

" What is it mam nín ?"
" A feeling that is the dearest of all for us elves. A feeling that makes your heart beat and weep at the same time. "
" Love." I said and gazed into the blue lakes on her face.
" Yes my child. A love that will never be forbidden unless the stars will shine."
" But who will be the man ?"
" That you must discover yourself." she turned to walk away.

" Why are you here ?"
" There are worse things beyond the evil of Smaug forming in Middleearth." she turned, her long hair blowing.
Then I realised it. Radegast, Greenwood...
" The fortress..." I whispered.
" You know of it ?"

" Something dark and powerful dwells in there, grandmother. What it is I do not know but it is terrible. It is something ancient, an evil that has slept for ages and now it has awaken." I took her hand before she left.
" A shadow of past." I whispered and she dissappered in the night. She was gone and so were the dwarves who I saw walking the path that lead around the mountainside.

Laew idhrinnath cestallenion lle. - Many years I've searched for you.
Im sí si. -
La maethor veleg a gornui - You are a mighty and a brave warrior.
mam nín - my grandmother

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