Lost brother

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Everyone was sitting by the fire,eating stew and laughing. Even Thorin was there with them enjoying beautiful night.
But I wasn't. I slowly walked away, the furthest from them, trying to be unseen. I needed some time for myself. Too many things were happening these days and it started to pull me, somewhere into a void. Who is the man that is calling me ? Where is my real family ? Should I even call myself Durin's daughter ?

" Nathíniel where are you going ?" a scared voice called me. It was Fili but I didn't turn, I continued in my way.
" Nathíniel !!!!" I heard him running to me.
He was too fast. He gently placed his hand on my shoulder and made me turn around.
" Tell me sister, what is wrong ?" he asked with worries in his cloudy blue eyes.
" Fili I..."
" What is it ?" he brushed my hair from my face so he could look into my eyes.
" Fili I'm scared."
His face turned white.
" What are you scared of ? It is the elf right ? The one that spoke to you."
" It feels like I know him but it freaks me out." I shivered.
" You don't need to be afraid when I'm with you sister." he said with a smile and wrapped his arms around my waist.

But I felt it again, the pain, echoes in my head, soft voice... I closed my eyes.

Fili's POV

I saw her olive green eyes closing.
My sister collapsed in my arms. Again. What am I going to do ???
" My dear Nathìniel... I would die for you, I would do anything but please wake up !"
Nothing, not a single word. I guess I have to wait. With my hand on her chest I listen to her heartbeat, night air filling my lungs.

Nathìniel's POV

" Tolo ad muinthel nín, im boe lle." the voice spoke again.
" Ú-iston thîr lín. Ma lle ?" elvish words spread from my mouth. I could speak but how ?
" Igannen rennich nin... E Biltha le dadhren nin."
" Ma lle ?"
" Im muindor nín. "
" Ú- thenid ! Ú- sevinon muindath eb Kili a Fili.
"Ú - rennuch... Moin fuin, caras bo naur..."


" What about you ?"
" Don't worry about me iel nín. This is our kingdom than I'm prepared to die for it. But you were born for greater things which are waiting for you beyond these borders."
" What things ?"
" No one knows."

That moment I recognized little boy on the horse riding behind me. My lost brother.
" Lindir..."

" Who... Who is Lindir ?"
I woke up. Fili was starring at me, his eyes wide and mouth open.
" My... Brother."
" What ???"

He didn't get the answer because we heard dwarves screaming, clattering of weapons and something huge, stomping on the ground with heavy feet. Trolls.

Tolo ad muinthel nín, im boe lle. - Come back my sister, I need you.

Ú-iston thîr lín. Ma lle ? - I don't know your face. Who are you ?

"Igannen rennich nin... E biltha  dadhrech nin." -  I thought you remember me... But it seems like you forgot me.

Ma lle ? Who are you ?

Im muindor lín.  - I'm your brother.

Ú- thenid ! Ú- sevinon muindath eb Kili a Fili. - That is not true ! I don't have any brothers except Kili and Fili.

Ú - rennich... Moin fuin, caras bo naur... - You don't remember... Dark night, a city on fire...

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