Love conquers all

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Soft fingers, warm breath, wood smell and bare skin. That's what I felt. My blanket was gone and in the middle of a beautiful room there was my white body shivering. But when I felt someone running his fingers down my back I suddenly felt better. Slowly opening my eyes I spoke in elvish :
" I aur tollen fael ?"
" Losto Nathìniel. Lû vìn ù-tollen." a soft voice said. It sounded so kind and lovely as a lullaby, as the first spring song of birds. I knew this voice.
" Legolas ?" I turned and looked into his blue eyes - two magical lakes in the middle of a forest.
" Man anirach, meleth nín?" he asked brushing my cheek.
" Amman estach nin meleth lín ?" I asked both excited and scared. Why does he call me his love ?
" Ú- heniach ?" he took my hand and kissed it.
" It is only a dream." I stopped him.
" But a true one." he whispered, his voice echoing in my head. His strong arms pulled me closer to him and I felt safe. Safer than ever before. But then my vision turned pitchblack and Legolas dissapeared in the endless sea of night. Another dream came.
I saw the young elleth with red hair, sitting on grass by the fire. She turned when she heared footsteps. Surprisingly they belonged to Legolas. He sat next to her and quietly watched the stars. No.... I begged. Then the elleth started:
" Your father told me something yesterday."
Legolas shivered and his eyes widened. Still he kept a reserved access.
" What was it ?"
" He..." her eyes sprakled as she watched Legolas' fair face.
" He told me that you are very fond of me." she finished and Legolas stopped breathing.
He didn't want to say anything. What would he.
" Is it true mellon ?"
Legolas gazed into her green eyes and I felt like I was fading. He can not... No... Please...
" Yes. Yes it is true."
" Noooooooooooooooo !!!!!!" I cried, tears streaming down my face.
" Legolas please !" I wept.
" Please..." I fell on my knees, everything got blurred and when I woke up I found myself sleeping on the floor in Town Hall of Esgaroth.
It was just a dream. I kept telling myself. But how can one heal a heart that was so terribly broken ?

Legolas' POV

For long I've had my eyes set on a  wrong person, years I spent searching, decades passed since I fell under the spell of desire. The desire of love. And now, after the eternity I tried to find her, she vanished from my sight in the blink of an eye. The love that was so hardly won. I was blind but now I see. Nathìniel is i meleth o cuil nín.

I jumped over a forest stream, noticing my childhood friend, walking just a few steps further. Her long red hair could be seen from a far as could her green outfit.
I tried to walk quietly but after all she was an elf, which means great ability of sight, smell and hearing.
She turned around, armed with her shortbow aiming her arrow right to my face. She was my friend but in the need of safety I did the same as she and waited for her to put down the weapon.

" Igannen le orch." she smiled.
" Cí orch im, dangen lle." I laughed and we both put down our weapons.
I walked to her carefully so I won't step into the water.
" Amman le tollen ?" she asked a bit scared.
I must tell her. She will understand.
" The dwarf you like... He has a sister."
" A she dwarf ?" Tauriel acted surprised.
" No, no. She's... An elf." I answered.
" The one that jumped off the bridge."

" Yes." I nodded and continued:
" Tauriel, im utúvien e. I perin o gurren nín."
Tauriel smiled and walked closer.
" So did I. That's why I must go to Esgaroth. I know that the future is broken, but it is not lost."
" I'm with you mellon. There are many things which people are drown to, but you have to admit, that love conquers all.

" I aur tollen fael ?" - Has the day already come?
" Losto Nathìniel. Lû vìn ù-tollen." - Sleep Nathíniel, our time hasn't come yet.
" Man anirach, meleth nín?" - What are your desires my love?
" Amman estach nin meleth lín ?" - Why do you call me your love?
" Ú- heniach ?" Don't you understand?

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