I feel sorry

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As we walked the tunels , I started to feel something. A powerful happiness sort of. It felt like I am home or maybe in a place that was very important to me.
"Elves." said Thorin angrily and pulled an arrow out of a dead orc.

That moment my knees broke, I fell down, breathing hard.
Kili catched me in his arms, trying to wake me up.
" Nathíniel what's happening ?"
" The elves, my family... I..."
" They are not your family !!!!!" yelled Thorin terribly.
" Don't you see she is sick !" Kili cried.
" Yes, the elves drove her mad." Thorin grumped.

Than my vision turned black. I fell back into Kili's arms and waited.
For another vision, well this time it was more like a memory. I saw a horse riding to a beautiful elven city surrounded by waterfalls. On the horse there were two children.  I immediately recognized them. It was me and my brother - Lindir. The horse stopped at the gate of the city where stood a tall darkhaired man. He helped my brother to get of the horse but he didn't help me.

He just starred for a while and than whispered.
" Go Nathíniel, you are the one who shall bring peace to the two races."
And the horse galloped away.

I opened my eyes and stood up. Kili held my shoulder, making sure that I'm alright. Fili and Gandalf had worries written on their faces. Others were surprised, they didn't know who I am. Thorin had his eyebrows, down, anger and hate in his eyes.

" Thorin ,look I'm sorry it's just...   My people... They are..  Calling me
" They are not your people !!!!!" he screamed.
" Thorin..."
" We raised you, we cared for you,  for ages ! We gave you our time our love, our skills and this is what we got ?!!!"
" Thorin listen..."
" I won't ! I wanted to keep you because I thought you were special, but you are nothing more than a pointy eared princess !!!
" Enough!" I finally found my courage.
Thorin raised his eyebrows.

" I could blame you for that ! I could blame you for taking me away from my family !
I could have lived with my parents, what do we know ? Maybe I was just a lost Mirkwood elfling. I could blame you for everything !
I could turn my back now, I could leave , Why should I care for some foolish mountain full of gold !
I could be mad at you all !  But you know what? I'm not !"
Thorin looked surprised. He was going to say something but I continued.

" Not at all Thorin. Instead of it I feel sorry. Sorry that you don't understand."
" I do."
" No you don't ! You never did! But still I forgive you. "
He laughed sarcasticly, waiting for me to continue.
" Even though I know that you will never apologize .
And I feel sorry for that too.
That such a good man with such a good heart has fallen into the shadow of his own pride. 
You want to feel strong and brave by not showing your emotions but instead of that you are cold and careless. "

With those words I turned away, Kili took my hand to help me walk and we got out of the tunnels.

I stopped breathing immediately when I saw the place in front of me. It was the one from my dream. A beautiful elven city between the waterfalls.

"The Valley of Imladris. In the common tongue, it’s known by another name." said Gandalf
and smiled at me:
" Home of your uncle, lord Elrond."
My eyes widened:
" How do you..."
" I know everything my dear." he smiled
" This is the last homely house, east of the sea." he gazed at the wonderfu view, leaning against his staff.
"This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy." Thorin was mad.
"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield. The Lord is family of your niece. The only ill-will to be found in this valley is that which you bring yourself"
" She is not his niece, she's mine !!!"
I didn't say a word. How could I ?

"You think the Elves will give our quest their blessing? They won't help us at all, instead of it they will ruin all our plans."

I couldn't stand him anymore so I spoke up, my voice broken from sorrow:

" Thorin why can't you just listen ?You blamed Thranduil when he refused to help you.
You were mad when he forgot about you and you still are.
Well now there are elves who are trying to help you.
You cried when you needed help and it wasn't given to you.
Now it has been offered but you turned your back.
There is no difference between you and Thranduil."

Thorin has grown mad:
" Don't you dare compare me with him,  you..."
Gandalf stopped him from swearing.
" I feel sorry that you don't see what you are doing."
" That's why he should leave the talking to me." said Gandalf and we walked the path to the beautiful gate of Imladris.

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