At the shore

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" Why weren't you at your cell when Bilbo came ?" asked Kili, almost spitting on me, so close we were to each other. The barell was big, but not for two people.
Instead of answering I looked down and my cheeks turned bright red.
" Nathìniel... Is there something I don't know ?" teased Kili.

" Well... Maybe one thing..." I shillyshellied.
" Who is it ?"
" Who is ... What are you talking about ?" I pretended like nothing happened between me and the elven prince.
" Oh come on, the man that took your heart, that's who I'm talking about !"
" Kili it must be the arrow in your leg, you're going crazy."

" Me ? No, no, no. I saw his stare when you jumped down the bridge. He was like " that is no elvish blade" and than the surprised and astonished face when he saw you !"
" Kili I'm sure that..."
" Nathìniel he is totally in love with you !"
That moment I stopped and looked into my brothers eyes shyly.
" Do you think so ?"
" All the way !"

For a second I was able to jump from all the joy but it immediately faded when I realised that it is not possible. I might be an elf, but I come from a dwarvish family. Thranduil would never allow his son to pledge with a simple elf maiden.
" Nathìniel are you alright ?"
" Yes, yes I am." I covered the truth." But what about you ? Tell me more about the elleth!"
" Well... Her name is Tauriel and she's the captain of the guard. I really..."

" Kili, Nathìniel, get out of the barell, we already reached the shore !" Thorin informed us and we started to push so we could get out. But it was much harder than getting in.
" Take my hand !" offered Fili.
" You take mine Kili." Dwalin started to pull him out and finally we were out of the cursed small barell.

While the others were drying their clothes and boots I hid behind a white rock by the river and dressed back into my usual clothes, leaving the guard uniform on the shore. I'm sure the elves will walk past one day and they'll find it.

I sat on a small stripe of sand that lemmed the forest river and took out my dagger. Only one now, the other stayed in Legolas' hand. I wonder what is he doing now.

Legolas' POV

She was gone. She dissapeard from my sight quicklier than in the blink of an eye, sooner then I could tell her what I feel for her.
It weren't just the glorious green eyes and silk hair that made her beautiful.

Her voice, so quiet, calm and peaceful. She sounded like she thought thrice about every word she said. All of them were so carrefully chosen so they would sound kind, nice and polite.  Her heart was so pure and her mind so wise...I knew her for such a short time but I felt like she has been always with me.

Howewer I wasn't the only one whose love ran away. Tauriel seemed to be fond of the black haired dwarf too. It wasn't so long ago, when I thought she is the one.
Father used to tell my stories about elven romance and all of them said that elves can only love once. Does that mean that I never really loved Tauriel ?

Nathìniel's POV

I wondered and wondered until I felt someone standing behind me. I turned and stopped breathing when I saw a tall muscular man with long black hair and beard, dressed in a brown coat, pointing an arrow to my face.

I grabbed my bow and aimed, Dwalin a bit further from us reached for a wood stick and Kili raised a stone, but in a moment, all of them were pierced by the man's arrows.
" Do it again and you’re dead." he said with a deep baritone voice.
If we could persuade him to rent us his barge, it would be our lucky day. If we forget the spiders, arrest, orcs and barell riding.

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