Beorn's house

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When I woke up, I felt like I was drunk. I didn't remember anything from the last night and for sure not going to sleep with Fili.  He had his arms tightly wrapped around all my body so I couldn't even move.
" Fili!" I whispered. " Fili wake up!"
Nothing happened.
" Fili, I can't get up!"
Still nothing.
" Fili, orcs are coming !!!"
He finally opened his eyes and quickly got up on his feet, grabbing his sword:
" What, where ???"
" Nowhere, I just had to wake you up." I giggled.
" Are we already leaving ?"
" I'm not so sure. There seems to be a problem. " I pointed to a tall strong man with big eyebrows and hairy face. Exactly the same I had in my memories.
" It's him..."

" Fili, Nathìniel, there you are. Now this will require some delicate handling." spoke Gandalf, leading us to a small back door behind the kitchen.
" We have to be very careful. The last person that had startled him was torn to shreds." he said and Fili gave me a frighetened look.
" So... I will go first and Bilbo," he waved him to come.
" You will go with me. The rest of you wait here for the signal I'll give. No loud noises !" he ordered.
" Come only in paires. Come on Bilbo."
Before they left I grabbed Gandalf's arm to stop him and whispered:
" I'm not sure if he tolerates elves. Something tells me that he does not."
" Well... We must try."
With those words Gandalf and Bilbo opened the door and left us waiting.
I took my daggers and started sharpening them while the others were slowly leaving in pairs.
Soon they all stood in front of Beorn and I stayed alone with Thorin.

" Would you go first please ?" I asked.
" If you want so, is there something wrong Nathìniel ?"
" No but... Since we left Ered Luin, all my memories of home have started to come back. And this "Beorn", if I remember well, has something to do with my elven ancestors. Something which propably can't be called a glorious legend."
" Maybe it is not." said Thorin and opened the door .

" Is that it ? Are there any more ?" I heard a deep voice asking. Then I followed Thorin and walked out of the house. I stood up on the last stair, next to Thorin, my hair blowing and shining in the morning sun.

Beorn carefully observed me with no words and lead us back into his house.
I sat on a big wooden chair behind a enormous wooden table and Beorn put an enormous tanker of milk in front of me..
" Thank you." I whispered with a small smile.

" Do not thank me. I know who you are." he spoke, his voice deep and somehow mighty.
I swallowed and watched him with scary face. He walked around the table, pouring milk to every dwarf's tanker.
" How does he know you ?" Thorin leaned and whispered into my ear.
" I have no idea !" I answered as quietly as I could but Beorn had very good hearing.

" Once there were many of us - Skinchangers. We lived here in the mountains for ages in peace and happiness.  One day we heard howling and screaming. Orcs rode to our villages. First they attacked, than they killed and the last people of our kin they enslaved.
We tried to seek help among the mountain elves, but they wouldn't risk the safety an beauty of their kingdom for hairy savages."
I stayed silent. I heard many stories about my father, howewer all of them talked about his kindness and honor. And now I realized that he had a bad part. As everyone does.

" I can't be responsible for what my father did." I gazed into his brown eyes.
" But I can apologize with all my heart." I finally said.
" You are Nathìniel." he smiled.
" How do you..."
" You were the young girl sitting in the courtyard when I passed by with others. I was so mad at the elves that day, but you smiled and stopped me." he giggled and took some paper from the fireplace rim.

" And gave me this." he handled me an old parchment paper. On it there was a charcoal drawing of the valley. I smiled and handled him the paper back:
" I'm really sorry Beorn. If there was some way to pay you back..."
" This already payed for everything."
Fili and Kili starred at use with wide eyes, others started murmuring something.

" Tell me, what is this strange company doing here in the east?"
" We..." started Gandalf but Thorin interrupted him.
" We are on our way to Lonely mountain hunted by a pack of orcs. Lead by Azog the defiler."

" You may already know that I don't like dwarves.  They are greedy and blind to all the lives around them. But Azog I hate more. Where do you need to reach the mountain ?"
" Before the last day of autumn. Durin's day." I said.
"You are running out of time." replied Beorn.

"Which is why we must go through Mirkwood." Gandalf joined the debate.
"A darkness lies upon that forest, fell things creep beneath those trees. "
It is the fortress... It must be it..
"I would not venture there, except in great need."
"We will take the Elven Road, their path is still safe." Gandalf protested.
"Safe? The Wood Elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin. They’re less wise and more dangerous."

" Why do you think so ?" I asked.
" That doesn't matter. These lands are crawling with Orcs and you are on foot. You will never reach the forest alive. "
" Beorn please..." I begged.
" What do you need?" he asked and soon we were outside, laiding our stuff on beautiful ponies.

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