Trees on flames

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We all started running, as the wargs chased us. Grabbing my bow I ran as fast as I could, taking Bilbo with me.
" Come on ! You can't just stand there while they'll tear us into pieces !" I cried.
As one of the wargs approached, I managed to cut his throat with my knives and followed others.
Suddenly I bumped into Dori, Dori bumped into Ori, and we realised that we are trapped. This was the the edge of the cliff.

"Up into the trees. All of you! Come on, climb! Bilbo, climb!" Gandalf yelled. I climbed on the nearest pine, all the way to the very top and held the branches tightly. From up here, I could see the wargs, circling undernearth us.
" They’re coming!" screamed Thorin.
I watched carefully every step of them until I finally saw him.

The pale orc, many scars running down his face, his heart dark as night. There are few who would be able to cut a head of the Dwarf King and hold it up with no harm.

e took so much from us, but the most he took from Thorin.
The question is how ? How could he survive ?

While I was wondering, the wargs got closer to the trees we hid in. They started to jump so they could catch us. I reached for my bow and shot the wargs as fast as possible.
" Come on Nathìniel !" shouted Ori from under me, stretching his slingshot.
" There are too many ! We can neber survive this !" I called into the night.

The moment I said it, a near pine strated to blaze with light. Up in the crown of the tree, Gandalf was lighting pine cones on fire. First he threw it on the wargs and then he passed another pine cones to the dwarves. When  one came to me, I hit a warg with it and soon they were all dead, scared or scattered around the plains far away. Perhaps the victory is ours. I thought but I should not.

I heard a crack, another crack, and suddenly the tree which we sat on broke, making me, Dori, Ori and Nori hang on a single branch, an endless void underneath us.
I was on the very edge of the tree, holding only by my will.
" Gandalf !!" I cried, my fingers slowly slipping down. I would have fallen if Gandalf wouldn't catch me.

I found balance for a while but I didn't see anything what was happening up there. I heard fell voices, steps, clinging of weapons, war cries of my brothers but no more.

" I can't hold up anymore !!!" Dori cried.
" We can't make this!" Nori lamented.
" We have to, somehow we have to !!!" Ori tried to be optimistic.
But the tree cracked again, I loosened my fingers and the last thing I saw were little silhouttes in shape of birds, flying above the cliff.


I opened my eyes. I was lying on the back of a majestic eagle of great size, flying in the air.
" Thank you." I smiled, not expecting him to answer.
Sun was rising and all around us were beautiful mountains. The eagle dropped on a cliff in the middle of a forest.

I looked around and almost forgot to breathe. Thorin was there, his face scratched and covered in blood, his chest not moving at all.
" No !!!' I cried.
" Thorin, please !!!" I kneeled to him, taking his cold hand, my tears falling on his face.
The man that loved me, cared for me, the one who would die for me. He can't be gone !

" Thorin please don't go! Don't... Go..." I couldnt say more. I fell down and burried my face to my hands. I felt someone placing his hands on my back but I didn't look. Propably it was Kili or Fili. There was only one thing that could make me stand uo now, and that was Thorin's voice. But I will never hear it again. At least that's what I tough...

" The Halfling..."
" Thorin !!!!" I ran to him and threw my arms around him.
" It’s alright. Bilbo is here, he’s quite safe." answered Gandalf, while I was safe in Thorin's embrace. But it soon gone away as Thorin walked to Bilbo angrily:

"You! You nearly got yourself killed! " he yelled. Bilbo seemed very surprised and dissapointed at the same time.
I wonder what did he do.
"Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild, and you had no place amongst us ?!" he continued. It wasn't just Bilbo who cried at these words.

How could he ? How could he do this to him ? It was only by him that we escaped the trolls, it was him who I find more wonderful than any other person I met before...
And then I saw him, embracing Bilbo tightly, with a smile on his face and tears of grace in his eyes.

" Never have I been so wrong, in all my life." he whispered.
"But, I’m sorry I doubted you. " he looked at Bilbo.
" I'm sorry Nathíniel that I didn't listen to you when you supported him." he turned to me. Bilbo smiled and spoke:
" No, It's alright…I would have doubted myself too. I’m not a hero, nor a warrior. "
Thorin smiled and I walked to him, he put his arm around mye waist and gazed at him.
"Not even a burglar." finished Bilbo.

As I stood next to Thorin, my arm intertvined with his, I noticed a solitary peak in the distance.
"Is that what I think it is?" Bilbo asked me.
I gazed ar it for a few seconds more and then replied:
" Erebor, the Greatest Dwarven kingdom in Middleearth.
"Our home." Thorim smiled a d strenghten his grip.
"Well..." started Bilbo. "I do believe the worst is behind us."
" So do we." I looked to Thorin's deep blue eyes and than one last time to the Lonely mountain.
Just a few steps and we'll be home.

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