As fast as possible

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Now passing the north west of the Carrock cliff we stopped for a short rest and sent Bilbo to have a a look on the orcs. Azog has been hunting us for few days now and it was dangerous to move on without being careful. Poor Bilbo, he had to go there alone, with just the little sword that Gandalf found for him in the troll cave.
I offered to go with him but they were all like:
" Let us try the " burglar.""
So they did. They sent a little unarmed hobbit on a watch for orcs.

" Daydreaming again?" a voice spoke behind me. The one I knew so well.
" Oh, Bofur, I didn't ..."
" No I was just kidding. What is on your mind ?"
" Nothing spectacular. I'm just worried about Bilbo."
" Are you sure you don't like him ? Not even a bit ?"
" No Bofur !" I laughed.
" Oh... That's a pity. "

" Why do you think so ?"
" I don't know... A girl with your kindness, wisdom and personality deserves a good man."
" Really ?" I blushed and glanced into his big hazel eyes.
" Yes, and we can't forget about your unique beauty!"
I giggled, listening to him carefully.
" You should really find someone, Nathìniel."

" I will, it just needs a time. And what is such an amazing and handsome dwarf doing without his love ?"
" What? I'm not.. "
" Bofur... Of course you are. You are the best." I winked.

When I turned I saw Bilbo running down the rocky path.
" I'm so glad you're alright !" I greeted him.
"How close is the pack?" Thorin asked.
"Too close, couple of leagues, no more. But that’s not the worst of it." answered Bilbo. What can be worse than orcs heading our way ? Only goblins... Please not them anymore...

"Have they picked up our scent?" Dwalin asked another question.

Not yet, but they will. We have another problem."
" What problem ?" I finally spoke up.
"Did they see you?" Gandalf freaked out.
" No, that’s not..."Bilbo wanted to say something but Gandalf srill2 talked:
"Good, what did I tell you? Quite as a mouse. Excellent burglar material."

The dwarves nodded their heads in agreement.

" Will you just listen! I’m trying to tell you there is something else out there."Bilbo pointed angrily to the mass of stones.
I started to be scared and I couldn't help but ask:
" Are there goblins?"
" No, no, it's an... Animal.!" Bilbo burst out.

What form did it take? Like a bear?" Gandalf interrupted him.
" Ye…" Bilbo started, surprised by Gandalf knowing it, "Yes, but bigger. Much bigger."

I looked scaredly at Gandalf and so did all of us. What is this bear-looking creature ? And why is it tracking our steps ?
Gandalf stayed silent, thinking. After a while he finally spoke up:
" There is a house nearby, where we might take refuge.?"
" A house ?" I asked unbelievably
" Yes, a house."
" Whose is it ?Are they friend or foe?" Thorin didny trust him at all.
"Neither. He will help us or he will kill us."
Well, great. I will die by hands of a house keeper that didn't want to have visitors.

" Do we have any choice ?" I asked. That moment a great black bear roared on a rock not so far from us. 
" No." Gandalf grabbed his staff, and we ran as fast as possible. A wizard, a hobbit, an elf and thirteen dwarves. I wasn't really fast by normal human and elvish measures, but compared to shortlegged and stout dwarves, I was fast as light, swift and tireless. With elegance I lead the company and was very surprised when Bombur ran in front of me.

" This way! Quickly!" yelled Gandalf.
Under a distant group of tress I spotted a wooden cottage.
" Into the house! Run!"
I fastened, gasping for air. Finally we stopped at a massive oaken door.
"Come on! Get inside!" Gandalf gave us orders.

We shut the door, and through a gap in it, we scaredly watched the huge bear gnashing his teeth, almost reaching the door.
" It could have killed us!" I gasped.
"What is it ???" Ori wanted an explanation.
Gandalf looke at him mysterioualy:
" That is our host."

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